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Free Time


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Make the most of your free time. I know that these days that time away from work is getting to be pretty darn sparce. I'm not sure what your situation is like, but before I retired, there were years of downsizing, but the jobs didn't really go away. They just became added burdens on those that were left. Of course this resulted in constant overtime (unfortunately, this mandatory OT was not paid). I was lucky and had complete flexibility in my hours. So I began at 4:00 am and was able to still salvage a piece of the day for my hunting activities. However it became a constant fight for vacation days, and the weekends were only half available. When they started that nonsense, I began seriously thinking about retirement.

So when you talk about "free time", I recognize just how valuable that can be.


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Doc wrote "So when you talk about "free time", I recognize just how valuable that can be."

I am retired now but in my youth i worked on the Apolo program at Grumman we built the lunar lander (LEM)and 7 day weeks were not uncommon so I can Ditto that .John

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Had to be an interesting career, intense but interesting all the same.

QLTY refer to quality? That was my career before retirement.

Yes Quality but that was part of a food business name.After my electronic calibration and repair work at Grumman with the ever changing state of the art in electronics I started in the food business rather than go back for more schooling.Besides folks never stop eating.Go figure lol

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Yeah I ussualy try to get 2 weeks off during deer season. But got to love the oil companys lol.!!

Now that has to be a schedule that seriously cuts into hunting and fishing time. ;)


I used to work for a Welding and Heating company, Their was no such thing as Hunting Season, it was heating Season and getting time off to go hunting was very difficult.

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Man I don't miss working a weird schedule in the restuarants at all, good luck. It wasn't that long ago that I would stay up the rest of the night to go hunting, or really it could have been considered napping. It can deffinetily have a negative affect on your life and health. Now I got it made, easy hours and free time.

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