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Trafficking crackdown may be Obama's best chance on gun control

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Isnt a straw purchase already illegal? I have no problem with stiffening penalties for gun crimes, but I also dont think they will do much good since the bad guys get out half way through the sentence for being a good boy, or they just take a plea bargain.

It doesn't make any sense unless the "straw purchase" law is only a NYS law. I don't know. However, it wouldn't be the first time that they have wasted time and money passing redundant laws. 


Everybody seems to be over-looking or ignoring the enforcement end of the violence problem. I realize that it would cause a space crisis in the penal facilities, but the idea of parole and plea bargaining and all the concerns about inmate rights has created an atmosphere where convictions are not a serious deterrent anymore. Prisons have become nothing but a training ground and a way for criminals to net when they get out.


Everyone has become so hung up on controlling the guns of the legal gun owners that they have totally ignored the rest of the contributers to what they perceive as a "gun problem".

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