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How frightened should we be????


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Government control of farms, nothing new here folks. Government has played a large part in farming what I can remember, way back in the 60's, called the soil bank, in which government paid farmers to leave the lands fallow.  The programs have changed, but the benefit are still played by the American farmer. The author of the article, fails to mention, the financial backing received by todays farmer from government run programs.  Sometime, all the facts are not brought to the table.

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Government control of farms, nothing new here folks. Government has played a large part in farming what I can remember, way back in the 60's, called the soil bank, in which government paid farmers to leave the lands fallow.  The programs have changed, but the benefit are still played by the American farmer. The author of the article, fails to mention, the financial backing received by todays farmer from government run programs.  Sometime, all the facts are not brought to the table.


Thats how most conspiracies are, a few facts that support their claim, but not the whole picture.

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Corporate take over of farming is nothing new. A lot of what used to be small family owned farms in the Midwest and south have been bought up and out by large corporations over the years. All this was done with the help of big banks who put farmers into financial hock with big loans and then turning on them by manipulating markets and pricing, and then hammering them with regulation to make them go broke.

To put all the blame on Obama like this is all something new just sounds like right wingnut tin foil hat stuff because the takeover of farming has happened a long time ago with the help of big business and banks which both parties are guilty of being in bed with.   

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