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Deer Scent


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On a prior season bow hunt (WMA) I was up in my climber near a known route. Had a 4 pnt. turn around and go right under my stand where I dropped a few drops of doe piss once in a while. Btw it was Tinks from walmart. Other then that I think it's mostly just another gimic - attractant any deer may be or not be curious about. This year I haven't used a drop of piss, up 2 so far. Rather spend my money on good camo & boots, oh wait I did that. :O

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Fox Piss will work as a cover scent.  Not sure what the other guy is talking about.

If I use deer piss, I use it very very sparingly.  I rather not spook a deer with so many crazy scents, if anything I use the deer piss as a cover scent.  I'll put out one wick maybe two with it on there.

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I kind of feel the same way with to many scents.  I feel that if it was like a ranch and there was tons of bucks you might see a difference.  The chances of me seeing a doe is much greater then a buck and I feel it might scare a doe. 

Also is there a difference between doe pee and doe estrous.  I know in real life there is but is there a difference with the stuff sold in stores.  I used both and they smell the same to me, but I don't have the nose of a deer either.   

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LOL, I don't think we can smell the difference... They both smell like 2 day old piss to me ;D .  None the less don't use estrus pee to far before the rut as it will ( i think ) cause the deer to think twice because its not normal.  Doe pee on the other hand can be used any time. The safe bet is just to use doe pee sparingly.

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Interesting because I read somewhere that once a buck sheds his velvet he is capable of breeding up until he drops his horns.  Therefore a buck would always be attracted to doe estrous.

But what you say makes sense if you use doe pee during the "chasing phase" or pre rut it could bring in a buck to investigate and estrous during the "breeding phase" or when most other does are in estrous. 

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I use to buy from a deer farm about 5 gals of deer lure in doe pee, buck pee or doe in heat. I would take the time to repackage in 4 oz bottle and was told that it was best to keep in the old ice box till use.

I found a lot of the guys would pickup the lure and just toss it on there dash of there truck or car. Indoing this it would turn to the same as trash in one afternoon of the sun heating it up.

I found that for lure to work it also is the buck have to be in that chase with the doe not ready.

I had lots of customer bring in photo's of there buck taken over the lure. It sure seemed if they would find a fresh scrape and then put some on it they increased there odds of taking a buck.

I still use lure and put it on 12 ga bore cleaning cotton swabs and leave a scent trail from a scrape. I make it then pass near my ground blind.

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Over the years I have used a lot of different scents, estrus and otherwise, liquid, spray and gel...but sorry to report, most didn't work, except like Bill says, when at the peak of the rut.

What has seemed to work the best is tarsal glands, cut off a buck or doe the year before (frozen in a ziplock bag) and hung near a stand the following year, and cut overhanging branches from a scrape, transported in a clean trash bag, and zip-tied to mock scrape within shooting distance.

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i guy the estrus scent and i have a small spray bottle that carried estrus at one time so i just keep refilling it. you dont know howmany times i would spray estrus in to the air and let the wind take it. i had so many incidences where i had bucks come in down wind with the mouths open and curling there lips. i also would try it out on buck that just happen to be coming in and i would spray it and watch there reaction. i can not beleive how excited those deer get and how they start looking around and become very aroused so to speak. doesnt work everytime  but it worked way more for me then not...

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Thats a good idea, where did you pickup a small spray bottle?

bought a brand of estrus that actually came in a small spray bottle. when i used it up i just kept filling it up with Code Red Estrus. stuff works great hen sprayed. it masks your scent if any and drives them bucks wild...

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This may be real off the wall but a Indian guy I was talking to at a local sporting goods store told me to use my wife's tampons during her period. well I was dumb enough to try and it surprised to find out it did bring deer in. They would walk right up to the tree it was hanging in and smell it. I have yet to have big bucks come into it. Most of them were spikes and small 4 pts. Yes it is kind sick but I can get them for free twice during hunting season, lol

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I was actually thinking the other day along the lines of women hunters and the specific fertile time, if that would attract anything.

Personally, believe it or not I find "skoal mint" as a great attractant. While hunting and dipping, spitting right under my stand...many deer have come to check it out!

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i have an old book not sure of the name by charlie ulshimer probably not spelled right but any way,he says that human urine smells very similar to a bucks,so he said dont waste money buying piss just use your own.he said your first piss of the day would be the strongest smelling and if he had a scrpe he would piss right in it.i never had any luck with store bought stuff and never tried the other way.anyone else here this

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i always piss out of my stand, i have had a few bucks come in under the stand and smell right where i did it, does too. never had one go crazy for it or REALLY investigate it but to the best of my knowledge i have never had one wind my pee and spook out of there. (that i have seen)

never heard of it as an attractant per say but hey, anything is possible...

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some lures do not have anything in them to keep them from starting to break down with Heat. So if you keep or store in the old ice box they last the total season. I never have tried freezing from one year to the next.

Problem is you wonder what the condition that those bottles were stored in before it hit the store.... Hot trucks, back rooms, etc.

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