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Questions of hunting over bean and corn fields


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Luckily this year I have access to hunt a spot with a decently large bean field, and a equally large corn field. I know that early the beans attract great but then once they turn color to a brown they aren't as good to hunt, when in central New York do the beans turn color normally? Would the first two weeks of October offer good hunting over the beans? Also, when do the beans get harvested? Also, when does the corn usually get harvested? Sorry for the long questions, thanks in advance.

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As culver noted, bean processing can sometimes be sloppy, leaving scraps to be had. It can be a prime late season food source.


Really, you shouldn't be asking this question because all it does is encourage you to guess more and know less. Glassing the soy bean field in the evening will give you that answer pretty quick, so you KNOW what to hunt.



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decreasing hours of light seems to trigger the turn of the bean plants. I had two fields a coupl eyears ago that were planted about a month apart. the plants were different sizes but both fields turned at the same time. Frost will speed this up but you may get a week of hunting it. As Phade said. (and didn't say..lol) go glass the beans and drive yourself absolutely nuts!!! becasue it seems the biggest bucks in an area are most visible this month and they sure seem to turn up in the beans right now. Then in October you can be with the rest of us when we start pulling our hair out wondering which state they all moved too.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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