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What is the chasing activity like in 4?


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I'm in 4F as well, no chasing going on. Had one doe come in on opening day with a 3 pointer and were feeding. I shot a 3 pointer later that day that was with another buck a spike. I have not seen any scrapes as of yet. Have seen lots of deer in fields and plots with no chasing going on. However in our area things should heat up by the end of Oct.

Good luck this weekend.

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Hunted 4F the past few days and nothing at all.  A couple of tiny, half-hearted scrapes that looks like were made and never visited again was all the sign seen.

Shouldn't there be some good buck sign by now around?  Not many deer seen either.

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I hunt in 4w and 2 weeks ago I didnt see any rubs or scrapes, I only saw 1 6 pointer following from a distance 2 does , but this past week my father in law said by my stand had about 4-5 trees all rubbed up.  I'm heading up tuesday for the last of bow right into gun so we'll see what happens. 

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Well I spent all last week at it on the border of 4g/4h, and I'm going back to it tomorrow.

Trail cam had big bucks, and little guys -every-single-night- within 2 hour of dark last week on this apple tree.  Nothing during the day.  Beginning of the week little guys where shadowing one of the big boys, now they don't seem to be.  Also the movement had definitely picked up from the week before, got pictures of the big fellas every third night or so, now they're like clockwork cruising for does after dark.  Things have to be ramping up, I'd like to think full-blown chase soon.

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alot of scrapes in my area - a couple of 6s, a messy 5, and 3 200+ lb bears on my trail cameras

saw alot of button buck yearlings hanging around with does in our field or running around solo this past weekend - really afraid that they will be taken this year once gun season comes not giving them a chance to grow for next year

its simple - look to see if there is some tiny growth or a square head on a small doe before you take it - you never know what they will become if they get a chance to grow - shot a huge 8pt 2 years ago and it was aged at barely 2 years old by the dec officer

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FINALLY!  4F was hot this past weekend.  Still not alot of scrapes and rubs.  It seems like the bucks just decided not to do them this year but they were running the does super hard all over the woods.  Saw 7 bucks in 2 days, all had their noses up a does rump.

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FINALLY!  4F was hot this past weekend.  Still not alot of scrapes and rubs.  It seems like the bucks just decided not to do them this year but they were running the does super hard all over the woods.  Saw 7 bucks in 2 days, all had their noses up a does rump.

Thanks for the update, I was not able to get up to 4F this past weekend however I know the action would be good. The previous week I was seeing alot of chasing by several young bucks at night in front of my house, like yourself the sign of scrapes and rubs by me is much lesser then previous years. I'll be heading up this Thrusday to maybe get one last bow day in before the gun opener. Good luck to all.

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