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Leaves changing colors


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Where is my comprehension at fault?  So what does a few trees turning tell us?  Not much.  My point is that summer isn't over yet, and a few trees turning different color does not mean that the Fall color change is anywhere close to starting. It will obviously get here, but by any measure it's MORE than a month away in these parts.  I know many of you guys start dreaming of next hunting season the minute last years season ended, but I for one am not like that.  I will enjoy every day I have, no matter what I'm doing, and will think about hunting when the season is actually here and not a minute before that.  You fellas can knock yourselves out with the dreamin', though! LOL


LOL. You just don't get it.


The OP said...he saw some leaves change. Others said they've seen the same thing.


You are taking it to a level not really in context of the thread.


The other thing I don't get is the bold part. You are on a hunting forum in August, talking about not thinking about hunting season.


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Where is my comprehension at fault? So what does a few trees turning tell us? Not much. My point is that summer isn't over yet, and a few trees turning different color does not mean that the Fall color change is anywhere close to starting. It will obviously get here, but by any measure it's MORE than a month away in these parts. I know many of you guys start dreaming of next hunting season the minute last years season ended, but I for one am not like that. I will enjoy every day I have, no matter what I'm doing, and will think about hunting when the season is actually here and not a minute before that. You fellas can knock yourselves out with the dreamin', though! LOL

The general point is they are starting to change , getting "some" of us exited for hunting season because it reminds us of the fall to come... I don't know why ur so adamant to drill home ur point that its not fall yet, of course it isn't.

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You are on a hunting forum in August, talking about not thinking about hunting season.




You are right there, I will give you that.  I should know better than to try to make any points with you clowns.  I DO have plenty of better and more important things to do, that's for darned sure.

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