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2 week camera pull for new lease


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Well here is a 2 week camera pull from the 80 acres we lease.  Nothing overly impressive but activity non the less.  Have some decent up and comers but not sure its really even possible to manage deer on 80 acres.  the only nice thing is that there are two major highways that basically border our property so thats another large chunk of land not huntable.  Then you get into more urban areas.  Planning on taking a doe or two off the property but the only buck im gunning for is the one in the back on the second vid. cant get a solid pic of him because of obstruction and quality of the camera.  Most of these pics were taken from a simmons 7mp camera...pretty low quality and I wont buy another.  Im gonna bite the bullet and replace em all with convert black 60s i think.




Edited by jesse.james
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What is some QDMA? QDM? LOL.


With leases, I tend to be more cautious with neighbors. Leases can be pulled out from underneath you.


I have one lease and have a cordial neighbor. Very nice guy, respects lines and we have established equal tracking rights with a phone call.


He stopped by opening day of regular season and told me that he had a couple good bucks around the start of the bow season but that they had trangressed elsewhere. I kept my mouth shut. I killed one opening day of bow and knew the other moved to an adjacent parcel because of a food source change.


I make sure to never mentioned bigger bucks other than saying I thought I saw a decent buck but couldn't get a good look at him through the timber. I have no doubt that should he know, despite being a good guy, he'd be willing to compete on the lease and either drive my price up or take it over.


Loose lips sink ships, and I want to be sure I'm the cannon...not the ship.

Edited by phade
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