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Hard Horned


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For the first time in my life, I have been too busy to get out and scout.  It really sucks!  I never got my cameras up.  I haven't sat in the woods once with my video camera.  I don't have my stand set up for bow season.  Having adult responsibilities suck!  lol.


On Saturday, August 31st I got to sneak away for my first and last time before bow season and sit in my hunting area for 45 minutes.  it was a small window, but I grabbed it.  As luck would have it, I had 3 bucks come by (and 2 dandy's).  All 3 were hard horned already!


It seems early to me.  But, not being able to do any scouting this year, they could have literally just shed their velvet that day for all I know (but looked like it could have been several days already).


Has anyone else noticed a trend this year? 


It seems to me to be about 2 weeks early.  Maybe even 3.  Wondering if it is weather related.  This has been one of the wettest summers we have ever had in my area and huge variations in temperature.  Just wondering if it has had an effect on the deer, or it is just a total lack of me being out there this year.



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Everything seems to be running pretty much on schedule around here. 


What exactly are you doing that you haven't had any time to scout yet or don't think you'll have time to get out anymore before bow season? Most of us have "adult responsibilities", but still make time for pre-season scouting...

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Everything seems to be running pretty much on schedule around here. 


What exactly are you doing that you haven't had any time to scout yet or don't think you'll have time to get out anymore before bow season? Most of us have "adult responsibilities", but still make time for pre-season scouting...




nothing more than probably most people experience.  2 young kids, job, wife, events, etc.


It just worked out this year that July and August SUCKED!  lol.


Oh the sacrifices we make as we get older! 

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nothing more than probably most people experience.  2 young kids, job, wife, events, etc.


It just worked out this year that July and August SUCKED!  lol.


Oh the sacrifices we make as we get older! 

You're not kidding!! I jump on any opportunity that I can get to go out and scout, work on stands, hang cams, etc... If plans change for something, I make a run for it, whether I feel like it or not, as I never know when I'll get another chance! I was out Monday morning working on a foodplot ~6:00am! Had plans the rest of the day, so I had to squeeze in a couple hours where I could!  B)

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You're not kidding!! I jump on any opportunity that I can get to go out and scout, work on stands, hang cams, etc... If plans change for something, I make a run for it, whether I feel like it or not, as I never know when I'll get another chance! I was out Monday morning working on a foodplot ~6:00am! Had plans the rest of the day, so I had to squeeze in a couple hours where I could!  B)


Amen!  that used to be me before this year.  Hell, even on my lunch breaks I would run home, change and jump out in the woods for something.  If nothing else, it is my Xanax...lol.

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