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Talk about bad luck !!

Catskill Hunter

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I have found two unprotected dug wells while hunting. One was in a place no one would ever expect to find a well. It was half way up a hill that is covered by mature oaks and maples. I have no idea what purpose it served or why anyone would go to all the work to dig the thing in such a remote spot. That one was on our property, and we filled it in with rocks from a nearby streambed. The other one was next to an old foundation of a cabin on an abandoned stretch of town road. As far as I know it is still there waiting like a trap. No cover, no sign ..... nothing.

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The old stone wells are the ones that worry me. The drilled ones usually stick out of the ground. Neighbor had what he thought to be a sink hole develop on his property. Tuned out to be a 4' old well casing that someone had pulled the 1st tile and filled in the rest, they thought.. Previous owners use to water the cattle and sheep out of it.

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