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Hunting With Dad....

Cabin Fever

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Just a word of advise to those of you that still have your Dad to hunt with. Take the opportunity this fall to burn an image or memory into your mind of Dad enjoying himself in the woods, sitting around camp, sitting in his stand, on the ATV, dragging/butchering a deer, telling a story that you've heard a thousand times, or just walking in the woods. Sometimes Dad might get on your nerves, need extra help, slow you down, or have a different opinion that causes you to bite your tongue, but just remember, he won't be here forever. This time of year is always bittersweet for those of us that don't have our Dads/hunting buddies to hunt with anymore. Sure sucks walking by his empty treestands and seeing his empty chair at camp. You never know if this might be the last year that you'll have Dad to enjoy the woods with... 

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The last two years of my dad'slife I had to help him in and out if it was below 30 degrees. It was still better than what I have now. He taught me 90% of what I know about deer hunting, and probably knew the other 10%, but never got around to telling me. I carried and spread his ashes at his favorite sitting spot in the middle of winter. I stop and soak up the memories several times every year. I have never had a reliable hunting partner since he died. Several have made good for a season or two, but can't seem to stick it out.

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