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kids first bow


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I know it's not bowhunting...


but my 6 year old daughter wants a bow for her birthday... I also have a 2 year old girl and a son arriving 11/11, so I'd rather not get something pink so it can be passed down.


anyone have an opinions on what to get?


I don't know if one of these is just a $75 piece of junk...... http://www.amazon.com/Martin-Tiger-Youth-Bow-Set/dp/B004SMCV30/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


Also don't know if a 6 year old is ready for a $200 bow.

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I started my son out on the bear bows available at walmart. This year he has progressed to a browning micro midas. Probably let him shoot that for awhile and move up eventually. Ive never had one of those martins but i also have never heard bad things about em. Ebay might be a little cheaper!

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got this for my son:http://www.lancasterarchery.com/samick-polaris-48-takedown-recurve-bow.html


figure I shoot recurve so that's what I know how to show him. I like take downs cause I can upgrade limbs, this goes up to 25 my son is 4 and pulling back 12lbs


got this for my nephew: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001PO5QW2/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


cause I figured it would be easier as he is two states away and has limited access to instruction, plus his mom isn't the biggest fan of huntin

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i tell you what the browning micro midas is was a great little bow adjustable cams i started out with one used it till 14 years old then pasted it on to my younger cousin. broke a limb opening week of archery called browning told them what was going on had the bow back by friday


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