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Three Legged Deer


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Anyone ever seen or shot a three legged deer. Years ago in Dutchess I killed a three legged 8 point buck on the last day of the gun season who presumably  a year  earlier had his left front leg shot off below its shoulder. The wound was completely healed over! The DEC officer at the check station was equally amazed that the deer survived.

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Anyone ever seen or shot a three legged deer.

I have. I shot a rather large doe that had one front leg that was missing the lower half. The wound was healed over with skin that looked a lot like the exposed skin of a dogs paw. The deer moved along with almost an un-noticeable limp. She could run just as well and fast as others. I watched her all summer long. She lived in the thicket in front of my house, and seemed to never go up the hill. Because of that, she was super-fat. The amazing thing was that she had a fawn, and seemed to be living a fairly normal life.

I think that it makes a difference as to whether the damaged leg is a front one, or a rear one (the power legs) as to how well they fare.


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I had a doe that hung around my place for 6.5 years(she was an adult deer when she showed up with a crippled leg).  She had all four legs but one front leg was crippled, it was bent back at the knee and she was not able to use the leg at all.  I figure she got hit by a car which caused the injury.  She was kind of my "wild" pet.  She would have fawns every year just like a normal deer.  She would let me drive within 30 yards of her with a four wheeler or tractor.  I always admired her will to survive because she would struggle to walk but boy she could run.  She made it through last winter but must have passed on sometime last spring because I have not seen her.  RIP old girl.

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a few years back my dad & I were in yard after a early morning hunt when a large doe came down along the fence line in the pasture.  When she stopped to look back at what had distrubed her we could see see was missing the lower part of her front leg.  Thinking that she just been shot and was injured at I quickly put the cross hairs on her a dispatched her at about 75 yards.  When we went to retreive her it became apparent that the leg had been mising for sometime.  It was well healed and calloused over and she was fat.

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a guy i know took a yearling buck just the other day that was missing his hoof on one leg.  his legs were normal except he had no hoof, just ended there like a nub and had what reminded me of a dogs padded palm. same texture and everything. he had to have been born that way as a deformity.  the guy said he limped really bad and thats what made him take him.

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