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Been trying 4 years fo this to happen


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After my half day of work and on my way to the lease Saturday my Brother-in-Law calls and says he hit a deer and is trailing it.  I got there and helped him find a nice 8pt.  There was still plenty of time so I went and sat in the apple scrub where I had planned on even though they had walked through there earlier in the day.  I got in to where I have been sitting and saw all the frozen apples turned up in the snow.  I sat a while not seeing anything contemplating if I would.  Then I looked over my right shoulder into the field behind me and saw a deer coming from the golden rod into the apple scrub about 150 yards away.  I got turned and waited hoping whatever it was would come my way and not go the other.  Soon a deer appeared I pulled up my pistol and looked it was a little one.  I hoped that with it being there it would be like a live decoy and bring others in.  It began looking the direction it came from.  I kept watching and nothing was coming up over the hill.  I looked beyond and another deer came from high out of the upper corn field.  Another little one.  Then a nice doe popped over the hill where the deer was looking.  I put the cross hairs on her but she kept moving.  Then an 8pt just like the one my Brother-in-Law killed came in behind her.  I watched all 4 of them for about 15 min at 30 yards from me while sitting on the ground.  Finally the buck turned to go back and the doe was getting anxious.  I put the crosshairs on her but she was staring right at me stomping I was busted.  Then she jumped and ran 10 yards I figured she was outta there, but she stopped.  I put the crosshairs behind the shoulder and touched it off.  After receiving this gun from my wife the same day I propsed to her on Christmas and hunting 4 years with it I finally put a deer under its belt.  Complete pass through and she ran about 30 yards and piled up.  Ruger Redhawk 7.5" barrel 225gr Hornady Leverevolution.post-1885-0-84198800-1386016923_thumb.jppost-1885-0-35810400-1386016930_thumb.jp

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