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Seeing the Dr said it was OK I took a walk to the cams...OK looks are deceiving because the snow was just below my knees...I'm really tired...22ins deep now...some I think was a massive drifting...but the canvas barn was sagging....The deer had been move through and digging turnips...these two will have a bit of growing to do .....

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Your rt...hey remember the 12 I missed then had to watch 20+mins before grunting to try and get him back..just to watch him walk away? Well another neighbor shot a buck and a pic was sent...man at first I thought it was him ...couldn't tell from cell pic..but got info and it was an 8pt...finally light came on and today I figured out how to post the pic...must be 12's son or brother because this 8 looks just like him but smaller...way smaller body too...hope the 12 made it


Edited by growalot
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Nice deer! Looks a little like your avatar pic..


Been hard on the heels of a big one all season. Got a nice surprise at 4:45pm. with an encounter with, who we call, Tall Tine Six.

Hot on the heels of 2- 7 month old doe. I was sure that buck was going to be shot, as he  appeared several times,  out of range during bow season.  Somehow made it through, and should be a dandy of a buck for next season.


I so needed a lift of spirits for the end of season. Above answered my prayer!

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