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newb from Rochester


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Hey all,


      Just completed my first hunting season (zero harvests)... had a blast with some of my buddies out there.  To tell you a little about myself... Im 29 yr old Army - combat engineer veteran of two tours to Afghanistan. I currently work for FedEx and have been married to my lovely wife for over 1 year now. 


I am trying to find hunting land of my own to hunt for next year so if anyone has any leads on hunting property in the Mendon or Rush areas of the Rochester area... that would be much appreciated!!  I am willing to pay or work out some type of labor deal with whoever. IF you have ANY leads, please let me know. Thanks a ton.  Hope to chat with some of you guys soon!!  happy holidays all



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Welcome to Hunting NY .

In the spring , take a drive to those areas and check with the local farmers . You might get lucky . Don't take this personally but don't wear camo .... just regular clothing . One land owner might turn you down but know one who might allow hunting . It's time consuming but worth the effort .

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thanks fast eddie.  my buddy said door to door will be my best bet too.

Dont be afraid to hunt state land. There is land out there open to anyone that has many deer and many great bucks that can be hunted by anyone. Cant tell ya my honey hole but i will say if i lived where you do... I wouldnt even be looking for private land!!

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I have hunted the High toro management area and had no luck there. but then again I only hunted it a handful of times while season was open.

Letchworth and Rattlesnake hill will treat you right if you are the kind of hunter that is not afraid to use a compass and not afraid to walk some hills and do a tad bit of work when you thump a nice one!

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Hey all,


      Just completed my first hunting season (zero harvests)... had a blast with some of my buddies out there.  To tell you a little about myself... Im 29 yr old Army - combat engineer veteran of two tours to Afghanistan. I currently work for FedEx and have been married to my lovely wife for over 1 year now. 


I am trying to find hunting land of my own to hunt for next year so if anyone has any leads on hunting property in the Mendon or Rush areas of the Rochester area... that would be much appreciated!!  I am willing to pay or work out some type of labor deal with whoever. IF you have ANY leads, please let me know. Thanks a ton.  Hope to chat with some of you guys soon!!  happy holidays all





Welcome Brandon. Those two areas are the toughest to get permission in. Knock on doors is the best bet and do a little leg work on the tax map site. Will allow you to see who owns it and the size of the property. It will be worth the work, there is a reason those areas are tough to find land to hunt in.   

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Welcome and agreed on finding access in those areas. Very, very tough for a reason.


I'd probably opt for a different strategy than going door to door in those towns first. I'd first and foremost try to find access in a place more likely to get it (say Wheatland/Scottsville/Caledonia/Avon/York, etc. and etc.). That way, you can at least get one place to hunt locked down (meaning green light to hunt). Then, focus on the hard areas you seem intent on hunting. It may prove a long road to open a door there, hence why I suggest starting in equally as close places to you where the odds are marginally better.


I'd hate to see you get all of the doors shut in your face and not have a place settled until the last second or not at all. Leases in Mendon and Rush go for big money and are not often available. Ground I hunt on in Mendon was offered a lease just this year, unsolicited of $3,500 for well under a hundred acres, and I mean a well under a hundred acres. I wouldn't be surprise if some high-income person would be willing to shell out $5k for it, honestly. I know of other bigger parcel in Rush leasing for $5-6k a year. Those two areas have good hunting no doubt, but good hunting is available outside that area, too. It's just that the combo of development, high income, and ever-shrinking land ownership sizes lead to the increase in competition and it gets bought by those who can pay to buy/lease it (doctors, attorneys, high-level business people) or it stays within very confined small groups who know the landowner and mum is the word.

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  • 5 months later...

I have hunted the High toro management area and had no luck there. but then again I only hunted it a handful of times while season was open.


High Tor is a tough area. Many hunters out on opening day, which makes it the best day to get one. You just have to get back in there. Bow Hunting is good there if you scout well enough. Fringe areas are the best. Good luck

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