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On the move...


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How many ppl do you know or have you heard of moving  out of NYS since this Mussolini(sp) wannabe pushed his agenda through?


SIL...they put apt building on market...just bought a new home down south

FIL...putting home on market in spring

daughter is tossing around idea of jumping just over boarder to PA in their long house hunting saga...and commuting to jobs in NY...


Of course he is now doing what I predicted ...lining up future supporters...going executive order to push through medical marijuana...Lol....it's so predictable...how many more schemes has he up his sleeve.....

Edited by growalot
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It isn't just individuals that he is driving out of the state with his policies. Whole industries and employers are bailing out. Just the SAFE Act itself has already cost jobs and industry. A company called AR15.com had invested between 2 and 3 million dollars into 3 buildings in Farmington. All that planning and jobs were wiped out in one midnight political maneuver. The empty buildings now display a sign saying, "Gone To Texas". The business, real estate taxes, jobs, and personal income taxes as well as that of their employees ..... Gone!


A large distributer of guns, ammo and supplies located on East Rochester has decided to expand into the more gun-friendly state of PA by opening two stores and planning a third rather than expanding into such places as Orange County, NY. How long before the parent store leaves  is anybody's guess.


Yes there are individuals leaving the state because of the increasing government oppression and the political climate that caters to and promotes the expansion of the welfare state here and penalizes the achievers. But even more telling is the flight of businesses, the backbone of the economy and the future of our very existence. No Cuomo hasn't done all this single handed, he has had lots of willing help from the other pinkos of NY politics. But today he is their ring leader and apparently is prepared to out-do all of his liberal predecessors in the destruction of the state.

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No I don't personally know any individuals who are actually moving out of state. And if I did know of one or two, I probably couldn't assign any sort of trend or importance or even political motivation to it.  I know people are moving out from the news reports about NYS's declining population.

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