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All ammo at BPS locked up


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If the Don steps aside and endorses DeSantis/Tulsi or whoever. It would be game over, landslide victory. Then we get to see [mention=10989]Versatile_Hunter[/mention] add #NotMyPresident to his signature line in emails again
He won't unfortunately. Too much ego. I fear the left is playing him like a cheap fiddle and just irking him so that he does run on purpose, cause they know he's the only guy they can beat. Again. The rest of the bullpen wins by a landslide. The best thing the republican party can do is separate as much as they can from him and move on. The country too. So that this mess the Dems have put the country in can be stopped and not have to go another term.

I think it's hilarious that no one sees how much the left loves and needs trump. They need him far more than the right. Everyone thinks the press hates him and they are so wrong. He was the best thing CNN ever had. Look at their ratings since hes been gone. He was a perfect squeak toy for them. Squeeze him a little and he makes a funny noise we can put on the news and get people to watch. And he is fodder for their own party to get more votes based on how much people hate him. Without a Trump controversy what else do they have? Certainly not the issues.

It's past time to get over Trump and move on for the better of everyone and not allow him to lose us far more ground that dig this country deeper.

Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

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