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Hunting authorization card for NYC pistol permits

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I was recently approved for a NYC pistol premise permit. In order to bring the pistol hunting I need to apply for a hunter authorization card which is no big deal. Do you know if this card will also allow me to bring the pistol to our property upstate for target practice if I want to target practice during non hunting months? Or if I can even do this regardless of the card?

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While I will admit that I have no idea what  a "Hunter Authorization Card" is or what it's purpose really is, I am always in awe every time I read about all these special restrictions that NYC has come up with. It's like a completely different country down there .... lol. And for the citizens of the rest of the state, all I can say is watch these NYC encroachments very closely because our elected officials are trying very hard to roll all these ridiculous restrictions onto the rest of us.

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While I will admit that I have no idea what  a "Hunter Authorization Card" is or what it's purpose really is, I am always in awe every time I read about all these special restrictions that NYC has come up with. It's like a completely different country down there .... lol. And for the citizens of the rest of the state, all I can say is watch these NYC encroachments very closely because our elected officials are trying very hard to roll all these ridiculous restrictions onto the rest of us.


THIS is how people outside of NYS look at the entire state! 

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So, have you heard any more detail on what a "Hunter Authorization Card" is, and what it does, or what the purpose of it is?

It's a card that allows you to take your pistol out of the 5 Burroughs while hunting, but don't know to much more. I'm hoping to get further detail when I pick up my license and the card. I would like to take it out of the city during non hunting months and be able to shoot on the property so in hoping it allows this.

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