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Dems are dancing in the streets

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So now the theory of weaponizing the justice system for impacting elections has been proven to be possible and practical. It is a shame to see our justice system reduced to a tool of politics. But now we have seen it for real at the highest levels.


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On 6/4/2024 at 6:05 PM, Grouse said:

There is a strong possibility if Trump wins this election, they will assassinate him before 1/20/25.  I'll bet there are already plans being made to do so.


Hillary would know . She probably has Trump's suicide note written ready  .

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On 6/4/2024 at 6:05 PM, Grouse said:

There is a strong possibility if Trump wins this election, they will assassinate him before 1/20/25.  I'll bet there are already plans being made to do so.


Even if he was " Terminated " they could still stand him up in front of the microphone ( like the current Admin ) !

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  • 3 weeks later...

My biggest fear is they will convince sleepy Joe to drop out and then everyone votes for the replacement because it's not Trump. I hear they are trying to get Michelle Obama in. He was the worst first lady ever! 

We all need to pray that Joe stays in it.

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On 7/9/2024 at 4:03 PM, squirrelwhisperer said:

My biggest fear is they will convince sleepy Joe to drop out and then everyone votes for the replacement because it's not Trump. I hear they are trying to get Michelle Obama in. He was the worst first lady ever! 

We all need to pray that Joe stays in it.

I have been saying that since before the debate. As they say, be careful what you wish for. I know that we are running a risk leaving him in charge until the until after the election, but the one thing that HAS to be accomplished is to get Trump elected. Our country depends on it. The best shot of that is against broken Biden.

It will be interesting what kind of tricks the Democrats find to use on one of their own to get rid of him.

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4 hours ago, Doc said:

I have been saying that since before the debate. As they say, be careful what you wish for. I know that we are running a risk leaving him in charge until the until after the election, but the one thing that HAS to be accomplished is to get Trump elected. Our country depends on it. The best shot of that is against broken Biden.

It will be interesting what kind of tricks the Democrats find to use on one of their own to get rid of him.


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And there it is.  It was SOOOO predictable. How was it possible for a shooter to get on a roof within rifle range?  Answer:  He was ALLOWED to get up there.

Now I predict the Democrats will call for MARTIAL LAW and start to shut us all down, or kill us.

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The way that the Democrats and the media have been applying the hate speech against Trump and his supporters, why does this surprise anyone. We have been fed the line that Trump is Hitler and that his election was a clear path to the destruction of our system of government. He has been compared to Hitler. Dems have run all kinds of stories that Trump would refuse to leave the presidency when his term is up. You know that with that kind of constant drumbeat coming from every corner of the Democrat party and with the willing news media accomplices, I'm sure the shooter considered himself a patriot that was saving Democracy. It takes far less to send some of these weirdos off the deep end. 


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On 7/14/2024 at 5:55 AM, Doc said:

The way that the Democrats and the media have been applying the hate speech against Trump and his supporters, why does this surprise anyone. We have been fed the line that Trump is Hitler and that his election was a clear path to the destruction of our system of government. He has been compared to Hitler. Dems have run all kinds of stories that Trump would refuse to leave the presidency when his term is up. You know that with that kind of constant drumbeat coming from every corner of the Democrat party and with the willing news media accomplices, I'm sure the shooter considered himself a patriot that was saving Democracy. It takes far less to send some of these weirdos off the deep end. 


It doesnt surprise me; not in the least.  what these Lefties fail to understand is, that those of us on the right can do the same thing, adopt the same tactics , insist that Biden (well, not really him cuz hes so out of it :lol:), or the Democrat party are Nazis and Fascists and need to be taken out and insist that we know were right and everyone else is a moron who doesnt agree with that assertion. But where does that get us? what does that lead to? Itd be like the Hartfield & Mccoys !!  I like to think our side is above all that, though. I dont hate the Dems, dont wish for any violence upon them whatsoever, etc. But I DO want them voted out of office- so Lets do it!!

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20 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

It doesnt surprise me; not in the least.  what these Lefties fail to understand is, that those of us on the right can do the same thing, adopt the same tactics , insist that Biden (well, not really him cuz hes so out of it :lol:), or the Democrat party are Nazis and Fascists and need to be taken out and insist that we know were right and everyone else is a moron who doesnt agree with that assertion. But where does that get us? what does that lead to? Itd be like the Hartfield & Mccoys !!  I like to think our side is above all that, though. I dont hate the Dems, dont wish for any violence upon them whatsoever, etc. But I DO want them voted out of office- so Lets do it!!

I think the big problem is, we are not going to be able top vote our way out of this mess.

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What we need to do is to help convince sleepy Joe to stay in the race. Even his own party thinks he doesn't stand a chance. They will have to resort to trying to steal the election (again). 

In other news... I heard that they passed a law that only American citizens can vote in a Presidential election. Why wasn't this the case from the time of George Washington?? Anyway, I guess this blows the open border up in their faces :rofl: What they need to include is: you must be alive, no mail in ballots (unless you are in the military and out of the country), photo ID at the polling station. 

The only violence I wish towards the dems is that someone would slap some common sense into them. :banghead:

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20 hours ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

What we need to do is to help convince sleepy Joe to stay in the race. Even his own party thinks he doesn't stand a chance. They will have to resort to trying to steal the election (again). 

In other news... I heard that they passed a law that only American citizens can vote in a Presidential election. Why wasn't this the case from the time of George Washington?? Anyway, I guess this blows the open border up in their faces :rofl: What they need to include is: you must be alive, no mail in ballots (unless you are in the military and out of the country), photo ID at the polling station. 

The only violence I wish towards the dems is that someone would slap some common sense into them. :banghead:

Trump derangement syndrome is on full blown overload. There are some really sick minded liberals walking around or on social media.

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On 7/16/2024 at 6:11 AM, Grouse said:

I think the big problem is, we are not going to be able top vote our way out of this mess.

Our system of government is still a robust system, and nothing has happened that cannot be fixed through voting. I think this election will prove that as long as we can get the Republican and independent voters off their butts, We have it in our power to become watchdogs in the voting process and influence the results the way we know that the majority want. What we cannot do is to throw in the towel and slink away complaining but not acting. We all know voters who have the same values and opinions as ourselves. We need to make sure they vote. This election will show what the future will look like. It is up to us to make sure that Republicans do not become the party of whiners that do not use the political tools that we have been given. It is also necessary to influence as many other Republican voters to vote. The system doesn't run on its own.

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On 7/9/2024 at 4:03 PM, squirrelwhisperer said:

My biggest fear is they will convince sleepy Joe to drop out and then everyone votes for the replacement because it's not Trump. I hear they are trying to get Michelle Obama in. He was the worst first lady ever! 

We all need to pray that Joe stays in it.


Whats your feeling about Kamala replacing Biden ? Better for us or no? 

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2 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

Whats your feeling about Kamala replacing Biden ? Better for us or no? 

Kamala aka "The Giggler" would be worse . Did I say that ? Worse than Joe ? She would no doubt be a puppet for the left . 

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1 hour ago, Northcountryman said:

I agree with that, but would she do better against Trump than Sleepy Joe would?

According to poll numbers, Kamala has worse numbers than slow Joe, But you never know. It could happen that all those that are afraid of senile Joe might return to the Democratic party faithfuls even if the giggler is in the presidential nominee. Do not take anything for granted. After all, this is politics and anything can happen.

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Kamala???? We will be a third world country before her first 100 days! She was a political tool herself. A "black" woman to win votes. The "sheep" will do whatever they are told and it would wind up either her or Michelle. America would be doomed. Trump is our last chance to save our country. If he does not get in, it will effectively be Obama's fourth term and we all remember how hell bent he was on destroying America. He is too damn close. We NEED Joe to stay in it.

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