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good hunt


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Not the biggest boy around, but it has been 3 years since I have had the chance to shoot one so I couldn't pass on the opportunity.
The place I hunted is tough because they roost right on the edge of a river; they fly down on the "good" side and they are in my lap, but if they fly down to the other side, it is almost game over.
By the time I got into the woods where they roosted, they were gobbling but on alert and had me pegged about 75 yds. off in the open woods. I backed out, went back to the truck and decided to go with "plan B".
 I put on my waders, went across the stream and circled my way around to the opposite side of where I saw them roosted. I didn't make any calls up to that point, but once I found a decent spot to sit I threw a few yelps out and was met by a few hard gobbles really close! after a few minutes, I see the blue head off to my right and with an awkward twist, I was able to get him in the sights at 20 yds and pulled the trigger.
On the shot, the woods exploded with about a dozen or so more turkeys nearby, so i am pleased with my ability to sneak up on them this time...knowing that it doesn't always work out this way.
The final measurements; 17.2 lbs., 4.75" beard and .50 spurs.


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