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Crow Hunting?

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I hunt them because there tough to get in and are smart. Yes you can eat them. Its a lot of fun to do and its all about being outside hunting. They are a problem in some areas. We need to keep them in check as well...I'm all for year round hunting these birds.

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My F-I-Law used to hunt them years back. He always gave them to other guys, or the farmer for the dogs..

Said they were REALLY smart, posting a 'lookout' bird, and explained how they would drive the fence line, drop 2 guys out the moving car to take up posts while the car rolled on.. If the car stopped, they'd be busted.. That's a smart bird to me!

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I hunt them because there tough to get in and are smart. Yes you can eat them. Its a lot of fun to do and its all about being outside hunting. They are a problem in some areas. We need to keep them in check as well...I'm all for year round hunting these birds.

Me too.  Crow is a menace that causes damage to crops and spreads disease like West Nile.  In the words of cousin over Thanksgiving dinner: "...shoot as many of them as possible."

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Hey biggamefish,

  What u said is so true. When I drive home and flying to there roost,I was watching them in a parking lot,the next day they change there course. That's why when hunting them, you have to keep moving every so often. That's why I like to hunt them,fo rthe challenge...

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Yes! Crow hunting is my favorite kind of hunting that there is. I have a friend that introduced me to it 3 years ago and I have been hooked ever since. I hunt them because its a challenge. Yes, you can eat them if cooked properly and they aren't bad. I'm probably going to post a lot about crow hunting on this site.

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