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So what's so bad about NYS deer management and the hunting season??


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It's pretty hard to buy into DEC numbers when you look at the fact that none of it is ever verified with anything other than more statistical hokus-pokus, but in all fairness, the DEC is stuck with the realities and practicalities of budgets which by the way continue to shrink at alarming rates. Hard counts, aerial surveys and such are simply out of the question. I suspect that they are doing the absolute best with the resources they have. Even their black-art of statistical analysis in herd management is likely to suffer even more with the latest demand for even more cuts in personel and other resources essential to doing their job. We had a Commissioner get canned because he felt compelled to protest the cuts and pointed out that they would no longer be able to do their job (and those are about the kindest words I have ever said about Grannis). I'm not sure just what further the DEC can do beyond offering up their necks on the chopping block. So anyone who wants to place blame or lay down some pressure on someone, should be looking at the state politicians. It appears that they are strangling the DEC.

And by the way, this probably is not the best time to be demanding any new fad management schemes. Even though everybody thinks that such changes come with no costs ...... They don't!


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I will admit that i did nto read the first four pages but felt beyond compelled to reply to the topic/question

I guess my first answer would be is it is no where near as good as it could be. SO much potential that is aborted early imo.

Notice the thread above this..."Where have the deer gone..". Theyre all hiding because our gun season and gun hunting nature (at least here in wNY) is kill em all. Guys were driving opening day. The pressure on the deer herd here is insane.

Deer management? Um..... we really dont have any. The DEC does nto have an accurate bearing on population in any region, county or the state. A portion of that is folks not reporting. The lions share lies with the inability (due to resources/staffing/ability) to do this. When i satarted hunting 5 of us had 1 doe permit for the farm....now each of us have 5 for the same farm.

There is nothing managed (imo) beyond license sales.

I am a trophy buck kind of guy. This state is the bottom of the barrel. Again- kill em all prevails here. Yes we all see pics of good bucks but very few consistently drop them. Why..because most guys talk the talk and blast the 1.5s or fawns.

I am also a bowhunter...and slighted there too. we have one of the shortest seasons in the us. A late start and short run.

If you ever want to see what things could be similar to...go to Ohio. Hunt ohio and you will get the feeling NYs deer hunting is like grocery shopping at a 7-11 versus the Wegmans of Ohio.

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