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Up the odds for deer hunting.

noodle one

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What is the one thing you do that you feel puts the odds in your favor to a successful hunt? I am talking about something that you do every time before walking into the woods. Some thing that you must check or do. Myself I check the wind before I do any thing else, the first thing in the morning, I check the wind. I want to know which way , how hard or mild it is blowing . This tells me when ,were and how I am going to hunt. I hunt only on the ground and to me checking the wind is more important to me than any else.

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I always check the weather to see when a change is coming. I also check the wind,  always spray down with scent eliminator. I also check the moon phase closely and set my hunting times accordingly.  I try to be in the woods when all the factors point to the highest percentage of seeing movement.

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Check out this site. Give you everything you need as far as weather. You can zoom in on your stand and see a graphic of where your scent will go on an aerial map.

Dont know where I got this might have been here on Huntingny. I have been using it since and it is nice to have everything in one place.


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I put in lots of time. The wind ? sure when I get there I check it out but often just do what I want.

Up the odds ? Hunt more ,hunt better spots . use a climber to move to where you see them .

I own one call ( the can) don't rattle, no decoy's , no scent loc, bought my second bow in my 21st year of bow hunting , still have the same camo coat....

Killed 5 last year, 2-3 most years .

Put in the time,if have don't have much put in an some extra. Network for better spots. I have guys down to my spot from time to time. Then they have me down.... I guy at work started hunting his in law has a camp where he says they see 30 deer a day all season long. I'm going next week.

I think that upped my odds for next week pretty good.

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Putting in the time is the best way to up your odds.  If your not there you will not shoot one.  Gaining more hunting property is another way to up your odds.  One way to gain property to hunt is by letting others hunt your land.  Not saying you need to let everyone hunt but if you let a buddy come down and hunt then you can hunt his land most likely or anyone he knows. 

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I hunt big woods in the Adirondacks. Hard to scout everyplace I hunt. Try to cover as many miles as I can in early season and then hone in on the areas that have the most sign. Last buck i got was three and a half miles in by myself. What a job getting it out 7 hour drag. Need to start carrying game bags and butchering in the woods

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Hunt where there are deer. Low impact pre-season scouting, observing fields from a distance in late August will give you an idea whats in your area. Bachelor groups are very active this time of year and will break up shortly after they shed their velvet. In season scouting. Anytime your out and about investigate deer sign, check if it's fresh. After a new snow is the best time for this. Everything is right there in black and white. Gutpiles will let you know what got killed where. Post season scouting is when I get serious. First place is the thickest and nastiest stuff you can crawl into, as soon as the season closes. Then look for rub lines and scrape lines. Generation trails. Deer are lazy creatures of habit and will keep doing the same things until they die.

As for the actual hunt, plan on staying all day. Deer are active throughout the day for various reaons. Hunting pressure, weather, rutting activity are just a few.

Pack extra clothes, food drinks etc. If you don't have it with you, you can't use it. Mental preperation. Enter the woods with a positive attitude. You won't last long without expectations. Try visualization the night before. Go in the woods with confidence. No try! Do or do not.

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