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I don't get it


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I just spent about 30 minutes helping a Jr. Hunter, right in here. I and three other people had the law wrong. It was nice to help him out and I actually learned something new maself, and was able to find and get him the right info he was asking for.


That's it should be. My humble opinion anyway.


What the DEC feild people should know, and what they do know, has seemed out of whack for more years then I have been alive.

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Ever since my father and brother got turned in for hunting over corn on our lease the dec have been all over our area. Not only did they bust 2 guys with bait but got a few dozen helmet tickets. They now hang around high market all hunting season. It's the ticket honey pot

I'm assuming it's a "ticket honey pot", due to the overwhelming amount of violations.........

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WTF is a helmet ticket and how does one go about getting it, or better NOT getting it?

The road my camp and many of the camps around are minimum maintenance dirt roads so the main mode of transportation around the area is by atv. People up in the sticks don't tend to wear helmets when riding especially to the hunting stand. Hence all the tickets for riding without a helmet.
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it is better to break a helmet than a head.  My cousin split his bicycle helmet the first week he had one by taking a spill.  ATV is much faster.  Fall out of that and hit a rock with your head and that same cousin of mine will standing there and making out an accident report while waiting for the coroner to pick up the body from the scene.


He is happier to give warnings or a ticket, than having to call-in for a meat wagon or make that knock on your family's door to deliver the bad news.

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