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Is Civil War Possible?

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This is gettin kinda scary isnt it? Heard on the news this am that the Biden administration gave Gov Abbott of Texas an ultimatum to remove the wire in place by tomorrow or the FEDs come in and do it for them? Is this 1861 all over again?  not good....




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As a country we are overdue for an uprising. Just too many that won't stand up for their rights.

Everyone seems to have their own agenda and can't seem to agree on a common cause.

Abbott always finds different ways to get around the federal bs. but continues to fight the fight.

 Hopefully he will find a way around this one.

If anything, the Border Patrol should stand up and start defying orders from the feds that the majority probably don't support to begin with.


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I keep saying I do not believe we are going to be able to vote our way out of this mess.

It's time to  make a stand.  Everyone in Texas should stand up to the Feds if they show up and let them know they will fight if they have to.  Then anyone who wants to volunteer to go down there and help resist the Feds should go there ASAP.

I firmly believe all of this leftist nonsense will end once people stand up and say this is where we draw the line.

Let the Fed know they will have to fight the people if they want to do this.  If they choose to fight, then we know they've intended to enslave us all along.

"If war is to come, let it come in my time, so my children may live in peace."

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Is our society still capable of drawing lines and paying the ultimate price for their convictions? Hell, do we even have convictions anymore? Does anyone see people leaving their jobs and their livelihoods and their comfortable suburban homes to march off to war?

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9 hours ago, Doc said:

Is our society still capable of drawing lines and paying the ultimate price for their convictions? Hell, do we even have convictions anymore? Does anyone see people leaving their jobs and their livelihoods and their comfortable suburban homes to march off to war?

Didn't you see the standoff between the ranchers and the Feds a few years ago?  The Feds backed down and the ranchers won what they were after.  It only takes about 10% of the population in revolt to overthrow tyranny.  I believe less than 10% fought the British during the Revolutionary war.

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I'm not much of a fan of civil wars. The outcomes are never guaranteed and the style of govt that results is always in question. We lucked out on our one and only civil war in terms of how the system of government basically was preserved. And that was because the feds won. Who knows what kind of government we would have wound up with if the south had won?

Regarding the 10% of population being enough to win a civil war, I have to point out that warfare is a whole different animal since the revolutionary war. We are not dealing with muskets anymore. Can 10% of the population stand up against missiles and such? I don't think our deer rifles would get us through the first day of an uprising.....lol.

Seriously though, there may come a time when there is no other choice, but let's not be in too much of a hurry to rush to that end. Sometimes such ambitions can wind up throwing out the baby with the bath-water.

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Revolts have been very successful against the US with it's jets and missiles and such.  The North Vietnamese and Taliban both beat the US military.  They outnumbered the US military forces and were willing to die for their cause.  Cuban rebels beat their military for the same reason.  Iran "students" forced the US out of Iran.  It is not as impossible as the government would have you believe.  And when people like Biden start telling you that you can't win, he knows you want to and is afraid you will try.

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3 hours ago, Doc said:

I'm not much of a fan of civil wars. The outcomes are never guaranteed and the style of govt that results is always in question.

Agreed- if one were to ask the Southerners immediately after the war if they still fought seceding was a cool idea, I think many would have admitted their regret for joining "The Cause" in the first place.

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