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Which Predators Are the Worst on Wild Turkeys


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Well he doesn't give you an answer. Tough question cause we have all those mamals and birds around here they all take there toll on population. Egg stealers are probably the worst enemy. For the last few weeks I have seen a hen with a pretty big poult feeding in the field across from my house. Only see her now. Last week while doing a food plot I found the remains of a Turkey on a mowed path. Might of been that bird. 

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I believe the video was geared to show who and what kills adult Turkeys, large raptors, Fox, Coyotes and Bobcats seem to be the main culprits according to this guy.

Coyotes and Fox along with Skunks, Coon, Possums and Crows will take nest eggs when the opportunity arises.


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