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For a variety of reasons, I deer hunt from the ground.  I went out Sunday and within 10-15 minutes a young buck wandered pretty close somewhere from the side of the logs I was hiding behind.  I saw him first, but was caught in an awkward position, sort of kneeling with my crossbow not up.  I was certainly within range, but hadn't really decided whether to shoot and if so how to do it without spooking him.  But to my surprise, he seemed like he either saw me or smelled me pretty quickly and hopped off.  This raised raised a couple questions for me.  like:


1) what do you do when a deer busts you? 


2) what can I do from the ground to do a better job of staying concealed?  (ok, peeing about a minute earlier probably didn't help)


3) should I bother to come back to that same spot?  On the one hand, I know there are a lot of deer there.  On the other hand, at least one of them has met me before.



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get yourself in a spot so you can see a pretty good ways towards were you expect to see them, you don't want to be too hidden to the point that when you see them they're already on top of you......deer have a pretty short memory if not spooked too badly, if in doubt give it a days rest, but I wouldn't think twice about going to the same spot the next day. I would get ready as soon as I saw the deer coming and not wait until I decide if I'm gonna shoot to do so. I would say movement is more important than concealment.

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1. curse under your breath. It happens. You keep hunting. Especially during the rut.

2. ghillie suit is good. scent control is crucial. still important in the stand but even more so on the ground.

3. deer don't forget as quickly as fish do, but your spot isn't ruined, especially by a younger buck. Again the rut is a wonderful thing. But a mature doe or buck might start squirting it.

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Does peeing really bother deer. I've read that it does and read that it's an urban legend


we've debated it many times here. In the end I don't think it can help. So if I can hold it I do. Ultimately, my comfort matters so I pee. They're only deer.

Edited by Belo
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1..Try and stay as still as I can,don't want to make things worse. And never make eye contact.


2...Keep all movement very slow. Fill in the blind with natural stuff from nearby. Like dead branches,leaves,partially rotted logs and my favorite,hemlock branches. This should be done before the season starts if possible. But I have done it on the fly and have it work out at times too.


3...As long as you have the wind in your favor,keep on hunting. Other deer will show up if you have picked a good spot. Depending how bad the deer was spooked you could see it again the same day or maybe not in that spot again for the rest of the season.

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