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Metal String loop


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Anyone use a metal string loop ? I used one a few years ago and thought it was just the thing . Works great . It makes a ka-zing noise when you shoot . I don't know if the deer can hear it but I can . Replaced it with a String loop and the only problem I have with that is ..... it allows for wear on the string where you nock the arrow . I must have at least 3 of those metal string loops in my shop .

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I had a metal string loop and hated it.  It would slide on the string after several shots.  Had to actually use an epoxy to lock it in place on the bow string.  When I changed strings I kept it in my tackle box, and when someone says they want to try one out, I give it to them.  They usually give it back after a few weeks of shooting.


The string loops work great, are easy to replace, and I lock them in place with just a tiny bit of bow wax, never have them move, and they last at least  2000 - 3000 shots (at least that's when I replace them, still look ok, but just in case...)

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