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Look Beyond Trump and Harris

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The media likes to make this election all about Trump and Harris but do not get pulled into that narrative, the big picture is about party policy and party platform, that where the focus should be and which party is looking out for your interests!!

From where I sit the Democrats are doing everything in their power to ruin my life and lifestyle! Listing just few things that do not sit well with me.

Let's start with some law and order, cashless bail, defunding police, riots and violence.

Open borders, letting anyone vote, welfare state, big government, high taxes, over regulation, inflation, socialism, communism, and who gets the bill?

They want to ban oil, internal combustion engines, cars and motorcycle, boats will be affected, ban coal, ban burning wood, ban propane, it is what I use to heat and cook with!

Anti farming and over regulating, Animal rights radicals, anti meat eating

Anti hunting and fishing, anti trapping, anti firearms, anti traditional ammunition and ammunition period!

There is plenty more but my fingers are getting tired from typing all the crap various groups of knuckleheads in the Democrat party are trying to pull they are not our friends!

Little by little like death from a 1000 cuts they are ruining this country and turning it into a shithole, the people better take their blinders off and pay attention!


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I sure would want to look beyond Trump and Harris because they are both horrible but one of them will end up being the next president of the United States.  And a president certainly has a good amount of influence on which direction a nation will go.  Trump showed nothing last night in the debate to sway any of the very few who haven't made up their mind yet.  Harris said nothing of any relevance but at least she didn't come across as a ranting loon like Trump did.  It's quite pathetic that we have 300 million people in this country and these two are all we are left to vote for.  I truly believe that if the republicans nominated most any other sane candidate they would have mopped the floor with Harris in the debate AND the coming election.  But NO, Trump was what they wanted and now it's becoming a struggle and folks are worried about what a shithole this country will end up being.

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I play the hand I am dealt, Trump is the Republican nominee and he is who I will vote for and certainly not for any candidate whose party is for everything I listed above. I would have to be a complete moron to do so, I will take my chances!


Edited by airedale
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That was an excellent assessment of the Democrat party. I've been around for a pile of years and have observed the way this country changed. Yes there are a lot of things that have been changes for the good. But the most troubling thing that has changed is the way people think these days. The attitudes of individualism and self reliance has faded into an attitude of seeking out the nanny-state as being the answer to all of our needs. It is an evolution that perhaps can never be turned back, but it is the evolution that people like Harris and Biden feed on. It is an evolution that deserves push-back. I have watched 3-1/2 years of true Democrat influence and what the cost is to our country. This Biden-Harris team has shown just how quickly this can all come tumbling down. They have done a great service to us by showing us how quickly the progressive policies can wreck a country. Now it is time to take this great lesson and do the right thing at election time. The country cannot withstand more of the same.

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