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2024 Fall Predator Thread

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Got the X50 scope back this afternoon and they were able to recover some of the videos.

This is the dog I dropped at close range in the harvested corn field.

It came from a long ways away and traveled through the cow herd before it met its demise.

Wind was coming from the left, so it never knew we were there.




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  • 1 month later...

Dropped this one Friday Pm after a friend called up and asked me to pay a visit to address a coyote issue.

Luckily it gets dark early so I could get some sleep before hunting deer the next day.

Big male that was looking to fight.

Don't come to a gunfight without a gun.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Primary scope crapped the bed again, so I got some time behind the back up RIX L3 scope.

Got this video of a fox that came in on a string, but lucky for it that it wasn't on the menu.

Stopped it with a mouth squeak.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dogs have been scarce since taking out the Alpha's, so it was great to see the Beta dogs coming in, but not so great missing.

It happens.

A friends NocPix S50R scope.

Great thermal scope but you still need to put the crosshairs on them to hit them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a few hours to hunt before the storm hits.

Lone female at 208 yards.

Came in from over four hundred yards away howling like a male.

.243 ended the noise.




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  • 1 month later...

Been awhile since we've seen a dog at this farm.

Warm weather has them traveling around. 

My buddy dropped a single dog of the three I called in from over 600 yards away.

Big male at 148 yards with his enhanced Savage Impulse Predator 22-250/Nocpix Ace H50R.




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This is what happens when you have a bum hand, forgot to take the tripod because you only have one hand to grab the rifle, fall over a fence in your attempt to get a freehand shot at a dog that's been eluding you for months, forget you have a bum hand and can't take a second shot because you can't feel your fingers after cycling the action with your bum hand.

To add insult to injury, there were two dogs in the field and my buddy was trying to let me know one dog was sitting 50 yards to my right side the whole time I was trying to sneak into range to get a shot and I didn't see it because I turned my comm's off.  




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