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What time you get up to hunt Squirrel?

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I like to squirrel hunt after deer season is through , primarily because I just cant hang up the guns quite yet and accept the fact that huntings over till next November!! Just today, I read an article in Game & Fish on Squirrel hunting in which the Author states that hunting is actually best late morning and early afternoon this time of year.  Im assuming this is so because its mid-winter at this point and too cold early and late for Squirrels so they wait for the woods to warm up a bit.  From my experience, however, squirrels have been plenty active early in the am , maybe not crack of dawn like deer , but early enough. I like to get into the woods around 8am and hunt till about noon, normally because for me, afternoons typically havent been as productive; what say you?

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I dont have a chance to chase them much anymore, but they are some of the first critters scampering around in first light. Once the sun is hitting the tree tops they like to soak up what they can. Then the last couple hrs before dark. 

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