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Horse Meat

the blur

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Doc -


I agree with you, but when I was in Iceland, whale was on the menu. I was really interested in trying it but emotionally squeamish. I'm too much of a tree hugger I guess.


While I was there, Hulda - a distant cousin - was telling me about Kieko, the killer whale from Free Willy that was in a pen in Iceland. Being somewhat ignorant of pop culture I did not know that Americans were raising 10s of thousands of dollars to try to teach the killer whale to return to the wild. Hulda, however, was very well informed. She thought it one of the most stupid things she knew. She also had a serious and simple solution to Keiko - EAT HIM!

Edited by Curmudgeon
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I remember once, many years ago, there was an add in the classifieds of one of the local newspapers, The Elmira Star Star Gazette, for a substantial quantity of horsemeat canned in quart jars...


I suspect that in general horses weren't used much for meat because they were much more valuable as working animals.


A quote from a western movie, I believe it was William Holden in "The Wild Rovers"...


Someone asked him what his horse's name was.. He said " You don't give a name to something you might have to EAT "....

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