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Predator Season 2010 - 2011 Success Thread

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What is he going to do with it? I think a lot of guys don't get involved with predator hunting because they don't have an idea what to do with the critters after they get them. I have a substantial trapping background so if I were to get enough of them to warrant a trip to the local fur auction I would know what to do with a few of them. But I have to admit that if I get just one fox or one coyote, I may be a bit challenged to figure out a proper way to use the resource.

I do want to try my hand at tanning a coyote or fox again. But once I have done it, I'll be looking for suggestions as to what to do with 1 fox or 1 coyote. I do have difficulty in just leaving them in the woods to rot. For me, it does pose a problem. I'll bet a lot of guys have the same problem.


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well last night my buddy and i decided we would try and do a little coyote hunting at night so we drove down to a field not far from his house and got out at the field and went up to the top of the hill and sat there for about an hour then we shined the spot light and we seen the eyes of a fox or a coyote couldnt tell at the time but my buddy got his gun up and we thought he was gunna walk to the top of the hill where he always goes and we had the wind in our face and everything was perfect so i decided to do a little calling with my mouth so we shut off the light and i start calling well when we first seen this yote hes was well over two hundred yards and i called for about three minutes and when i stopped i could hear this yote running toward us and i told my buddy to get ready with the gun and i did a little squeak with my mouth and turned on the light and when i turned on the light what a surprise i got this yote was  about fifteen to twent yards away from me looking right at me he stood there for a second and i was thinking man that yote was thinking about getting closer so my buddy shot and missed and the yote ran off to about eighty yards and my buddy shot again and missed again and he looked right at me after he shot and was like did i get him and i said well do you see him in the scope and he answered no and then i preceded to tell him then you missed so we packed up our stuff and went to another field but thought some of you would enjoy hearin this little excitment we had the other night i kno i did well happy hunting.....


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What is he going to do with it? I think a lot of guys don't get involved with predator hunting because they don't have an idea what to do with the critters after they get them. ....I'll bet a lot of guys have the same problem.


What I do is this: I have a local trapper on my speed dial and he said he will take anything from my hands, maybe this is something one can do in the situations like that

My 2 cents

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That's a pretty good solution. If I was getting bunches of them, I would skin, stretch and sell them myself. Unfortunately that's not the way my luck has been running....lol.

I know a few people that most likely know some local trappers. I really don't like just throwing them away, and giving them to a trapper is just the right solution.


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