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Youth Bow


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anyone on here looking for a bow for a youth? I have an older PSE Spyder with a new string and cable that I no longer have a use for. I know several REPUTABLE members have posted their kids shooting bows. This would be a great starter bow for any kid that would take them into their first year or two of hunting. I know I was taken once, but I still like to help out when possible...let me know if you fit the bill and I'm more than happy to help out....no strings attached, but if you can pay for shipping, that's all I want if that's all you can afford....oh. and I will be more selective of the person I send it to.

Edited by jjb4900
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Not sure what my nephew could pull, but he's only 9 and won't be able to hunt for a while. But I do want to get him into archery if not for the discipline of shooting.

Great jester and way to go in not letting the dirtbag change who you are.

I'll send you my offer via PM.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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