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Out of business for bow


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Get well Doc . Sorry about your situation . On the bright side ......... you have more time to moderate !  :rolleyes:

Ha-ha .... legs still work well, so I'll still be out in the woods scouting and working with my new camera. Of course with my luck, that will be the time when some 12 point buck with antlers so large that he can hardly hold his head up will walk by, stopping at 15 yards in a nice broadside situation thumbing his nose at me. Probably if I listen real close, I will hear a bit of a giggle.

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Hope you get better soon Doc. If you need someone to keep your best hunting spots warm till gun season, just let me know. ;)

Lol .... Those best spots will just continue getting better until I have a go at them with a rifle in my hands. But thanks for the offer....Ha-ha-ha.

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