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Always figured Steve would escape from Brooklyn, NY when he could.  I thought he went to Alaska, but it says he's in Seattle.  I'll be expecting him to escape from there soon as well.


For all of the non-lead bullet advocates, Steve has never expressed any apprehension about regular bullets being used to harvest the meat he feeds his family.


He's a fantastic ambassador for the hunting lifestyle.  I wish him well.

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He initially moved to Brooklyn because the production company is based out of NYC.  With property in Alaska and brother in Montana, being out West certain would make more sense from a personal standpoint but I think this move is less about him and more about his wife.  I'm not sure what she careers she's in but something makes me feel it's not a sit at home mom.  Rinella's career means he has to constantly fly to new locations, where you live isn't as big of a deal.

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The article seems pretty vague to me.  Most especially since he's talking to city people.  He tells everyone that he hunts for his food and then gives a venison recipe.  Doesn't say a thing about all that is involved to go out and hunt.  Nothing about finding a place to hunt, learning how to use a weapon and become proficient with it, the need to get a license before you hunt, etc., etc.  Someone reading this would think it's a walk in the park to go out and kill yourself some meat.  Once someone would find out all that's REALLY involved with hunting, they will quickly be making a B-line back to their nearest grocery store for that fat Butterball turkey, that's for darned sure!  Eventhough I love venison, I'll be the first to say that it would make mighty little sense to eat only the meat I can hunt down.  It would freakin be costing me it's weight in gold if I added up it's cost per pound.  He should tell everyone how much that trip to Alaska would cost, and I'd like to see how many people he'd get interested in collecting their meat up there?









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It was a short article for the NY Post that left out 97% of what is involved in hunting down your own meat.  Typical of many articles we read in papers and on the internet these days on most all topics.  Very little substance or real facts are ever given.  I guess that's all that our dumbed down society can absorb these days.  Just a bunch of sound bites and little more.






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