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If the 2nd Amendment was repealed

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It wouldn't keep Americans safe.


If Obama and Clinton could sprinkle some of their magic fairy dust on the Constitution and make firearms disappear, the terrorist carnage would elevate exponentially. We will quickly and rudely find out that Islamists worldwide have murdered 1,000 times more civilians with bombs, the binary components of which can be readily acquired. Pick up a copy of the Jerusalem Post and check out the blast effect of bombs, then pick up a history book and calculate the number of deaths that have resulted once socialists confiscated the people's best means of defending themselves.

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Only in the eyes of the luntic fringe who whole heartidly swallow the nonsense put forth from the NRA does sensible gun control legislation equate to the repealing of the second amendment.

Ya know what Uptown, I think you should join this site, they will greet your opinions with more factual based retorts. That's what you want right?



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Sensible gun control??  This is what their gun proposals do if enacted.  Anyone who finds this sensible has no respect for Constitutional rights or Rule of Law.  This is why the NRA fights against it.  This is why it's dangerous to our freedom.  This is why people who want it are stupid.


First, who defines what prevents someone from legally buying a firearm? And how accurate is the input to the system? Second, there isn't just one terror watch list, and the lists that exist are based on secret evidence not up for judicial review. So people like the Weekly Standard's Steve Hayes wrongly end up on a list with little recourse for getting off. Denying basic constitutional rights without due process is not a solution — unless you're a statist hell bent on undermining the Second Amendment.


Edited by Rattler
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If the message ever comes through that we all have to turn in our guns, you will see a full blown revolution in this country. Not that we aren't headed that way anyhow.

We will be fighting our own military and leo's. I don't think that will end well.

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Uptown you are more angry with the Pro 2nd Amendment groups than with ISIS and terrorist. You do know as a NYS resident SAFE ACT was to be a TOTAL ban on Firearms, that includes you so call Hunting rifle. When some drunk kills people with his car are you on board to ban CARS? when a person is killed with a Knife are you banning knives? When I read your post I think what the hell is this person doing on a Hunting forum. If you feel that strongly about being controlled by the Government, Bow Hunt only. 

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Uptown is a textbook progressive. What's great about the people on this site is we accept him and deal with him. If we were all in his world he would not tolerate us for one second. He would stop at nothing to shut us up and destroy our character. What I find interesting is why does he spend so much time in our world? His world must suck!

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"To call these guns 'assault weapons' is just an attempt to instill irrational fear in people with little knowledge of guns. And again, never mind that blunt objects such as clubs and hammers kill more people each year than all rifles put together. [They're] far too busy for facts, [they're] trying to scare people into this terrorist watch-list proposal, which obliterates not just the Second Amendment, but also their Fifth Amendment right to due process of law as a prerequisite for the loss of liberties." —Ashe Schow

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The left knows that. That is precisely why they chip away at it.

Try 'sensible' regulation to the first amendment or the 14th and see what the reaction would be from the left.

That's why I told Uptown to join nyfirearms. Maybe they can get through where we are failing. 

Edited by ....rob
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