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New plot prepped

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Set up about a 2000 - 2500 sq ft plot, cleared, raked and now limed (40 lbs of pulverized lime)... going to plant in two weeks.. First time I've tried this so I'm hoping I'm doing it right...Any thoughts, comments, corrections??? Putting in throw and grow... planning on spraying it down with water (back pack sprayer) in two weeks... What mistakes have I made??? What can I correct for next time??? 










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I second the crowded canopy. Open it up if possible. If grass and weeds don't grow well, nothing much else will.. my first ever plot I cut an opening in the hard woods about 30'×30' cut all vegetation off and scraped with a steel hand rake for hours. Then threw throw and grow down. And let the rain do its magic. It grew ok, and was just enough to entice a couple doe groups in to fill a doe tag.

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It actually gets great morning light in there.... The pics were taken later towards noon.. but I will try to open it up a bit... Great advice!!!! Thanks.... No.. I didn't rake in the lime, I was figuring the pulverized lime was so tiny the first rain would soak it in... Now I'm thinking it might run off.... UG... Another good tip.... hoping it doesn't run off now... 

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Get more sunlight in there.  Even if you take out a couple of trees most of that throw and grow stuff is usually winter rye or wheat and it will grow on the bed of your truck in a teaspoon of dirt.

As for the lime do the best you can do.  Of course discing it into the soil is ideal but I read somewhere on another forum of a guy that simply top dressed (spread on the surface) lime and his PH came up.

How much lime did you apply.  My experience with woodland plots is that their PH is usually very low.  Mine started out in the 4s.  Now after 3 years they are in the high 6s.

Also may want to consider expanding the plot over time.  If you have any deer density those small plots get eaten up quick.

Good luck and keep us posted.     

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Grizz... remember when cutting..and planning future plots. From spring until fall the angle of the sun and position changes a lot...In example for just the sun set here...we sit on a north/west facing slope when it is spring the sun set towards the back side of our woods, behind / across from the house...by bow season the sun is setting way to the other end of our property across the street...The angle the sun hits our place is totally different...


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