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Road Trip

noodle one

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I am taking the wife, daughter, and son inlaw on a day trip to Cabela's for a little shopping and site seeing tomorrow 2/20/2011. I am thinking about picking up some Blackhorn 209 to see how it shoots. I have used 777 now for about five (5) years . I have been using 100GR with good results out of my Knight Revolution. I have been doing some reading up on Blackhorn and it sounds like it is a pretty good powder and is easier to clean your gun after shooting. I would like to know if anyone on here has used it and what you think about it? Also what is a good load and what buttet weight have you found works good with Blackhorn? Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks, noodle one

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I switched to bh209 last year.  It is everything they say.  Clean uo with a hoppes soaked rag accuracy was better and you grt no crud ring and I have shot 10 times without swabbing the barrel.  it is as close to smokeless powder as you can get.  I am not sure about the knight rifles and their ignitio, but you need to have a closed breech plug and use regular 209 primers for thebest results.  I would suggest you do a google search for their website and it will expain the plugs needed.  If your gun is compatible, go for it.  You wil not regret it.  I used 777 for about 3 years and also shot 100 grains. I now use 90 grains of bh 209 and have higher velocities. 


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I have shot pounds and pounds of goex 2f in myhawken but much more in my new englander shotgun.  I am hooked on bh 209 fo rmy inlines tough. I used to buy goex for 7.50 a pound

yeah I bought it for that too... powder has gone through the roof as far as price.. I shoot in a 12 week league this time of year too and it gets rather expensive to keep in supplies now compared to just 5 years ago... patch, powder, balls, and caps have all gone up quite a bit

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