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1 hour ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:


No issue here yet for me. Talked to the only adjoining landowner and exchanged recovery rights upon a phone call. Other border is landlocked stateland that only a few houses border and none of them hunt.

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Thats because I use a ghillie suit and move super slow so not to trip your cams. Seeing you are going to hunt growies land with myself and TF, it's only fair we get to hunt your land too Biz. :good:


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22 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

So what you are saying is that if  people  who are involved in law enforcement  break the law, they are not crooked....

Ummmm.. Okay.....  I guess this means that you a Hilary supporter...

It's OK to break the law as long as you don't get caught...Right ??











               Nope not at all. Trump all the way. You are looking at life as black and white and it's  not that simple. Have you ever gotten pulled over or heard of someone getting pulled over and then get off with a warning? How about see someone going just a little fast or jump through a last second red light. Or not make a complete stop at a stop sign ? And there be a cop there that does nothing. Over looking some things or ignoring them is not being crooked. Think about how bad things would be if everyone who steps outside the law or makes a mistake went to jail or got a ticket instead of a warning. How many times has a land owner called the cops on a trespasser and all they did was tell that person to stay of so and so land?  

              The fact that you think these things make a person crooked makes any further conversation pointless. So I bid you adieu so this can get back to the op.

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On 11/4/2016 at 9:37 AM, chas0218 said:

Have you pressed charges? Tell him if he is on there again you will be calling the police and have him ticketed for trespassing. We had a guy that figured because it he had permission to hunt an adjoining property he could ride his ATV across ours the corn was up and didn't want to walk thru it. My grandfather caught him and in a nutshell "never want to see you over there again or else". Never saw him again.

You need to take the stands and leave a note. I had some people that thought they had a brass set walk up to my house and demand to give them back stands. I tell them I would have if you came and apologized, but now they are mine. After they loose a couple hundred dollars in stands they don't bother. Pressing charges usually works too. Our family has gotten a reputation for being jerks on the block but you can only put up with so much.

We did have some logging done in the spring where this guy claimed to have gotten twisted around, so I let it go this time. We shook hands and we parted on good terms. Hopefully, he just honestly got twisted around. 

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