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My honeyhole plot 2010 edition...

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I started work on my plot yesterday, got the fertilizer spread and tilled it in. Im going to get the seed and plant next weekend. This year Im going to go with Secret Spot with some turnip seed mixed in. After experimenting with what works good in a shady plot (mine is pretty shady) thats what I have found to work the best.

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No pics of the hole lol. I made a diagram of the area the first year I put a plot in, but I have no clue where that went. Its basically a small plot I put in under a bunch of overgrown apple trees in the back corner of my father's property. The corner is closed in on three sides, 2 are hedgerows and the 3rd is a pond with lots of scrub around the edge. on the other side of one hedgerow is a large alfalfa field. The whole thing is situated in a draw that the deer use as a major travel corridor between woods/bedding area and their feeding areas. Its a great spot and I use the food plot mostly to try and get the deer to stop in before they hit the big fields and get pictures of them. Most of my trailcam pics come from that spot.

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Isn't it still a little early to plant Brassica's for a fall plot. Everything I have ever read says not to plant till August.  I have a great spot all cleared out and weed killer applied on. Just need to fertilize and lime it. I wanted to get it done a few months ago but just havent had a chance yet. Will plant with turnips down the middle and dwarf rape, winter rye, and oats around the rest of it to give them a little choice of what they want for dinner. :) Heres the before and after clearing pics.



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Yeah me to. I still have to put down the lime and fertilizer anyhow, hope to get done sometime in the next few days.Not looking forward to walking 150 lbs of lime and 100 lbs of fertilizer up the hill, the neighbor said I could use his 4 wheeler but don't think I want to bother him. Then plant the turnips and rape the 1st week of Aug. if we start to get some rain. This should give me the 68 days needed for maturity. And follow up the bare spots in late sept with winter rye. Some people don't like the winter rye, but it comes up thick and the deer flock to it when the snow fly's. I find it to be an awesome plot for late gun and muzzle loader season. And its cheap ;D

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I planted an acre of winter rye one yr and it looked like every deer in the woods was visiting it. It came up fast but the deer never let it get taller than 2 inch's. It looked like I was mowing it all the time. Unfortunately they only visited it when I wasn't there. :D

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Worked the plot for a few hrs last night. I got one of those PH testers and tested the soil. I came up with just under 6 which I think is higher than it really is. I added 200 lbs of lime and lightly worked it into the soil. Will let that sit for a week or so then test it again. Been getting lots of rain lately so I am itching to get the plot in, but don't want to plant to early.


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Back to my honeyhole plot....LOL

I picked up seed today, I am going with a mix of Whitetail Institute Secret Spot and Evolved Harvest Shot Plot rape and turnips. I may have a tough time re-tilling tomorrow though with the soaking rains we have had for the last week, but there is plenty of moisture in the ground to get the seed germinating. Once the seed goes in tomorrow, Ill put the trail cam up. I went over today and scoped it out, bunch of apples falling already because of the dry spell we had. That will probably slow down till they are ripe now though.

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No biggie.  ;D

My plot is in, it was pretty muddy but not too bad. When I got there today, most of the apples that had fallen were gone and there were tracks everywhere. Also some of the peas and beans from last year were sprouting up again, so there might be a few of those in there with the rest. Im going to stop over tomorrow and put the trail cam up.

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Cool. Yeah Ill get some pics up soon. We got some rain today, so that should kick things in. I think the forecast is showing 3 or 4 days of sunny weather. Id guess it will be sprouting up by next week.

Ill be going over there tomorrow to put the trail cam up, there were way too many skeeters out there the other night lol.

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