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sportsman show


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Went yesterday, crowds were thinner than expected and that was fine by me, easy to get around. Sat and Sun were busy according to any I asked.

Have to say after several years of NRA management now, they are doing a pretty good job. Not near the flea market it was 25 years ago when I first went.

If black guns are your thing they had a strong showing for all kinds of toys to handle by names even I recognize and I have no idea what makes one different from another.

Surprised by how many Alaska fishing guides were there; much of which were clients looking for a free trip by playing rep., and didn't have very good answers when pressed.

Got quotes on a few hunts looking at in the future.

Talked to a few new fishing places for this summer I would like to try as I'm planning a trip.

Anyone looking for a quality metal case for gun/bow/handgun etc; could stop by Strong Case (gun building 200 isle); been doing business with Tom for many years and own a bunch of his cases (some go to work everyday and some have more than a few airline miles). He has some reduced priced scratch and dings, discounts on new product; and is hoping to get back to Reno with no inventory. 

MGM welding has a couple good deals on AR500 steel targets. 

Folks at Eurooptics were helpful as always.

Bought some bear attractants to try this fall. 

Good trip; long day.




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Went yesterday, spoke to a lot of outfitters for hunting and a few fishing. Probably go back on Saturday with my son and see what kind of trip we wanna go on next. I did notice quite a few places had clients working the booth, with little knowledge of the operation. Didn't spend much time with them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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we went years ago before the assault weapon craziness with banning them and then change of event management.  it was good.  stayed to go a couple days at the end.  booths with smaller stuff giving crazy deals of basically buy one get one free.  a lot of tv personalities there if you wanted to meet and talk to them.  new or unknown products too.  it was a good time.  always thought it'd be good to go back despite i'm not sure if it's quite the same. 

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