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I can't find sheds but I found ......


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i wouldn't worry about the yotes.they know where each other are the dogs just wait for a sick one and take it out of the loop.As for the shed move in off the field/course there should be runs going parallel with it.i have more luck in the woods then open areas but there's really no science to it just keep looking and enjoy the out doors.i just got back from a 5 hour hike not one shed but a good day. 

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Enjoy your time outdoors . Also most sheds are still attached to the bucks heads, sure some have found nice ones but things will pick up in a month or so .

I walk hedgerows ,and  trails in thickets mostly . For green fields like a golf course , I scan with binoculars , although fields they feed in this time of year that run along thickets I'll walk a couple passes near the thickets .

Darn now I want to go look for some...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been wandering the woods for close to 20 years, never found a shed then last year turkey hunting set my pack down and one poped out of the leaves under my pack, walked about 50 yrds found the other side then on the way out found a spike shed three in one day, haven't found one since. I'm waiting for the day I find a big moose paddle laying in the adks that would be cool.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk

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