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NY Safe act Kimber Adirondack


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So I'm trying to wrap my head around the safe act. I've read, and read, and read. I have a Kimber Adirondack with a threaded barrel, bolt action, and I'm planning on hunting in NY this year. The gun DOESN'T have a detachable magazine. It's internal. Is it legal or not? I read the rules as such...since it's not a semi automatic, it doesn't matter that the barrel is threaded because the wording includes the word AND. Semi automatic AND. This also would mean my Auto Ordinance that has no lug at the end is legal as well correct? Or...am I just slow?



Edited by mpw08200
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I did not know the distinction between the semi auto and bolt guns regarding threaded barrels.
I'm guessing for a muzzle break, since suppressors are illegal to hunt with in NY. Why else would you have as threaded barrel?

I did know that on semi auto weapons if you have a muzzle break it needs to be pinned and welded correct?

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