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The coolest find ever

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Was out walking down below the house out in the cow pasture, usually i go down every now and then and check out some of the baby cows and let the farmer know when new ones are born so he can come get them... I was walking and about stepped on this little guy. Couldnt beleive my eyes. Was really cool!




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Very cool pics and yes it is one of those moments you remember for life.

Not to hijack your thread, but to add a little more to the subject matter.............................I have had many encounters with fawn deer besides the one I have mounted, @ 15 yrs ago we had a doe get hit by a car in the early spring, she was carrying triplets that were probably less than a day or two from being born. I grew up working on the family farms and saw my far share of fawns in the fields.

Last May 6th, was a cold rainy Sunday morning and I was putting the dogs out to do their duties when I heard this blood curdling screaming noise coming from a small patch of woods between my house and the creek bottom. My house sets up on a hill and there is a rather steep bank the about 50-60 yds of dense brush/undergrowth before the creek snakes it way past, in the winter you can see the creek. but come april until the leaves drop it is a jungle down there.................Well, I knew exactly what that noise was..................baby deer screaming!!!!!! I ran over the bank to see what the heck was going on and found a very small (2-3 wk old) doe fawn laying in the tall ferns all bloodied up ..................I was sick to see it like that. She had multiple cuts and puncture wounds in the face and neck area with a large gash under her rt. frt. leg. I was able to get my son to bring down a large towel and I wrapped her and carried her to the house, cleaned her up a bit and called animal rescue. I drove 40 miles to the closest rescue/rehab shelter in my area.

I got a call the next day the little girl had to be put down due to the severities of her injuries. The rehab person told me she had been attacked by a Fischer cat and that it is very common in the spring, the fischers near where the birthing areas are and will visit them looking for young fawns to kill and eat.

I took a few pics of the fawn before we took her to the rehab center.






PS: I would estimate the one in your pics to be at least 8+ wks old by the size and the way it is already taking flight to danger. Up until @ 6 wks, a fawn will just lay there attempting to hide, that is why so many fall prey to fischers and black bear in the spring. (the two largest killers of fawns)

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Fulldraw, if you found a  2-3 week old fawn on May 6th, that is a very early fawn.  I think the majority of fawns are born towards to end of May and very early June.  I found this one pictured on May 23rd two years ago while hiking.  It staggered over the trail and laid back down as soon is got into some brush.  Could not have been more than a day or two old from the way it was walking weakly.


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thats cool FDX, too bad the little guy didnt make it. Would love to find one that the mother abandend or died and raise it. Think it would be cool. But dont worry about "taking over" my thread.  :) Your input and posts are ALWAYS welcome on my threads  :)

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Found this lil one last spring, me n a friend were walking through a park and nearly stepped on her. I got close enough for a good picture and quickly found out that mama was about 15 yards inside the woods. She started pounded the ground with her hoves and making all kinds of noise. I thought she was gonna charge us. It was pretty cool and intresting


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it is illegal to raise one on your own... i guess unless you get permits.

a buddy of my dads was working for the town and heard of a fawn getting hit by a mower in tall grass and that it was with another. When he went over there he found the fawn. He actually raised it in the house like a dog. it was a buck and grew into a spike with like 12" spikes... it was very people friendly but he was told by all of us it was a bad idea and him being a hunter he knew it was too. Especially with the rut nearing. He then put it in a pen in his backyard and played with it but word got out and DEC heard about it. Other deer would come up to the pen and check it out, it was werid... He let it loose before the DEC came to his house but before doing so he put a big orange color around its neck. not to long after he let it loose i was out bowhunting atleast 1200 - 1500 yards from where he let it go and around 8am i see the deer (named willow) come running to my tree like a little puppy dog. tail wagging as if he just came across a familure smell from a human and was totally not threatened by it whats so ever. he was running around the tree like crazy, he appeared to be VERY excited. Sad part was not 2 weeks later a jogger was jogging when approched by Willow, the deer was running beseide the jogger. the jogger was obviously scared and called the DEC as the deer fllowed the runner to the house. DEC then came and put the deer down. The deer did not know any better and grewup for the better part of 6 months with humans. true story...

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