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Well.. EOY report (Ticks)


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Not a single tick was found on any of the people that did my recommended regimen!!!  Every year more people do as I suggest and every year I get 100% success!!!! I've posted it before but I'll write it again for those that found ticks on them this year... Get Sawyers spray, roughly 1 spray bottle will cover two pairs of pants, 2 shirts, 2 pairs gloves, 2 face mask and 2 hats.. Spray clothing till they are damp, really soaking all cuffs, zippers, neck openings etc... Take the damp clothing, put in a trash bag, remove all the air, tie the bag closed... let sit for 24 hours... remove clothing and let air dry outside... if you do this and use rubber boots that you tuck the pant legs into... I promise you, you will think they are extinct... Had 1 buddy try it but then tells me, he did jackets and all this other clothing with 1 bottle... and got a tick on him.. tried to blame my method... told him he was cheap and deserved the tick... LOL... If you do this, get rubber clothes to use while spraying the clothing or touching it while wet... other than that, once dry it should have no ill effects on you... Works for deer season too, no smell and the product will last up to 8 weeks with washing... If you try it, keep me posted on how it works for you... love hearing the "Zero ticks"... 

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LOL... just the gloves... I figure better not to have the liquid on my hands... but seeing I've done this for 10 years almost with no issues, I would say it's a good method... Up to you... I prefer this over digging ticks out of me.. 

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37 minutes ago, dbHunterNY said:

i assume tossing it in a trash bag for a day is so it fully soaks evenly and deep enough into the garments?  if it's jackets or something and not just a t-shirt or something thin do you spray both inside and outside?

That would work... I never really think of a warm coat for turkey or early deer, if it is that cold I'm thinking ticks would not be very active... But as long as the clothes are sprayed till damp, it still should work... again.. heavy coating on the cuffs, openings etc... 

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I never have much of an issue. I get ticks on me off and on and I take a shower after hunting and check myself well and would guess I have never gotten a tick imbedded in me from being in the woods.


The two I have gotten in me I was not in the woods. I am positive the tick hopped on the dog outside and she has the Soresto Collar and the tick bailed off her and found me in the house. Unfortunately she has Lyme positive again now.

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Same here Fletch, our dog is positive for it also. When you have dogs and or cats that go outside , they can very well bring them inside . I pulled one off from my armpit after a shower , called Dr. And they had me come right in and started meds that day .

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