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I wonder....how they got a permit....


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I drove by the local QDM place and glanced over at their pond,he built an enclosed area near it a couple of years ago. I  thought he was in the pheasant program. It wasn't pheasant I  saw..I swear he had a penned fawn. I wonder if he's become a rehab person. What other reasons do they allow the keeping of white tail deer...he's not higb fenced...or fenced at  all, do you guys know?

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I looked into a bit not to long ago. From what I found, there's two permit types. One for keeping pet deer and the other for keeping deer to sell. The first permit is like $100 the other was $200 I believe. There are some pen size and acreage size guidelines, which is to be expected. Fence height I think it 9 or 10ft, something like that. But from everything I found, it's quite easy to own pet deer

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Well that would be one way to bring the buck to your place. A penned doe  or 2 going in heat every 28 days. We have another neighbor that had a penned buck behind his house fot many years..got the permit years ago saying it was for his taxadermy business...wife  was hurt pretty bad  one year feeding him. He got nastier and nastier as he aged and the rut was bad. That pen wasn't as big as my garden. He lived a long time.

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Buddy had a pet silver fox a few years ago. Loophole to keep it was he had to supposedly raise it for it's urine to use for trapping. Neatest critter ever. You could hold it like a cat, walk it on a leash like a dog. Had huge penned in area for it to roam and pen outside and crate inside the house. It would use a littler box in the house and leisurely walk around the house.

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I never see them out and about when I drive by...I have never been one to just pop in on people, it feels intrusive. I mentioned it here to open a conversation and get others input. The fox thing was interesting. I am also surprised keeping wild animals,would be that easy...Apparently NYS conservation concerning making "pets" of wildife if based on who has the cash and or space. Not a judgement just an observation.

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My buddy Jonah white, inventor of billy bob teeth has all sorts of wild pets. Bear, wolf, skunk and last I spoke to him he was getting a zebra lol. He had a bobcat for a little while, but it became very aggressive with him and his kids so it had to go. It actually busted through the ceiling of his kids bedroom above the bunk bed and was hiding up in there snarling and trying to bite everyone who tried getting him out. I think he has the videos on FB of that haha.

My old high school biology teacher had a pet wolf. Big fenced in enclosure in his back yard, not sure why he had him.

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You must be talking out of state for you first buddy? Having worked in the pet indistry years ago the owner would go to exoctic live stock auctions down south. There were certain things they would bring back and keep out of sight..Certain animals weren't allowed across state lines. They said a lot of African and south American animals,were sold there..Two differnt auctions each year.

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Pretty cool. Whats the biggest buck you saw while guiding in Pike County? Just curious.

190 incher. Shot by the inventor of rage broadheads.


A few others I had on my trail cams. First one I had my dad on top of during mid November, he had him chasing a doe around his tree for 15 mins and couldn't get him to stop for a shot. Then a guy during gun season took 3 shots at him at 100 yards and that was the last time he was ever seen that year. 2nd pic is a buck I had a guy on for 10 days, and the buck didn't show. The day after the guy left, I got this picture of him 10 yards from the stand.



And here's a 146 one of my guys killed

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No problem..I post to bring out all INTERESTING  responces and info,that hit the mark:wink:

BTW on the way to grad party we drove by, had a bunch of rollsof fencing in drive,maybe hes,going to raise deer.. maybe thats where the tame deer from last year came from. That would explain it.

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