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Wow, this thread is still going on!  I will say it again, I don't care what people say, I will doubt anyone who tells me that they don't load their guns until the split second legal shooting time begins and then unload them exactly when shooting time ends.  Why do people try to get to their stands well before legal shooting time then?  I don't care if someone is out looking for a B&C buck, or just for a doe to fill the freezer.  If either is down to the last day or two of the season and hasn't filled their tag yet, I highly doubt they will be pass up on the deer just because it's a few minutes before or after legal shooting time.  Anyone who swears up and down that they wouldn't is simply full of it in my opinion.  I've been around this game long enough to know the deal.  Part of the deal for many hunters is also to think that everyone else other than themselves is a poacher and criminal, and this thread is just another example of this.  These same hunters are then the first to get paranoid over anti-hunters, PETA and other elements that want hunting stopped.  Well, why the hell should non-hunters trust us when they obviously don't trust hunters either??  Did they ever stop to think about it?  I doubt it!

Lots of lawbreakers out there, friend.

Its just a fact of life.

Lawbreakers give all hunters a bad name.

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Wow, this thread is still going on!  I will say it again, I don't care what people say, I will doubt anyone who tells me that they don't load their guns until the split second legal shooting time begins and then unload them exactly when shooting time ends.  Why do people try to get to their stands well before legal shooting time then?  I don't care if someone is out looking for a B&C buck, or just for a doe to fill the freezer.  If either is down to the last day or two of the season and hasn't filled their tag yet, I highly doubt they will be pass up on the deer just because it's a few minutes before or after legal shooting time.  Anyone who swears up and down that they wouldn't is simply full of it in my opinion.  I've been around this game long enough to know the deal.  Part of the deal for many hunters is also to think that everyone else other than themselves is a poacher and criminal, and this thread is just another example of this.  These same hunters are then the first to get paranoid over anti-hunters, PETA and other elements that want hunting stopped.  Well, why the hell should non-hunters trust us when they obviously don't trust hunters either??  Did they ever stop to think about it?  I doubt it!

Steve I am quite sure if we had an secret ballot your conclusion would be correct. Pat's little survey showed 6 of 7 agreed.  So I guess we can conclude that most hunters would take the shot. That is my opinion, some may not agree, and some will not admit it. The mountain has many secrets.


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Wow, this thread is still going on!  I will say it again, I don't care what people say, I will doubt anyone who tells me that they don't load their guns until the split second legal shooting time begins and then unload them exactly when shooting time ends.  Why do people try to get to their stands well before legal shooting time then?  I don't care if someone is out looking for a B&C buck, or just for a doe to fill the freezer.  If either is down to the last day or two of the season and hasn't filled their tag yet, I highly doubt they will be pass up on the deer just because it's a few minutes before or after legal shooting time.  Anyone who swears up and down that they wouldn't is simply full of it in my opinion.  I've been around this game long enough to know the deal.  Part of the deal for many hunters is also to think that everyone else other than themselves is a poacher and criminal, and this thread is just another example of this.  These same hunters are then the first to get paranoid over anti-hunters, PETA and other elements that want hunting stopped.  Well, why the hell should non-hunters trust us when they obviously don't trust hunters either??  Did they ever stop to think about it?  I doubt it!

Next year night before opening day I'm riding up and down my road telling everyone the exact times they can shoot. Hope I'll make it out of the first camp!

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Blatant lawbreaking and recklessness is one thing, but this issue in my opinion simply doesn't fall under the same category.  To me it is simply a matter of what MOST hunters would or would not do at such a moment, and I will continue to say that MOST would not hesitate to shoot just because the shooting hour is "technically" not legal yet.  If this makes MOST of these hunters poachers and criminals while the rest of you can claim to be the Saint Hubert's of the hunting field, so be it.  I for sure won't be losing any sleep over it.

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Blatant lawbreaking and recklessness is one thing, but this issue in my opinion simply doesn't fall under the same category.  To me it is simply a matter of what MOST hunters would or would not do at such a moment, and I will continue to say that MOST would not hesitate to shoot just because the shooting hour is "technically" not legal yet.  If this makes MOST of these hunters poachers and criminals while the rest of you can claim to be the Saint Hubert's of the hunting field, so be it.  I for sure won't be losing any sleep over it.

Steve I think these guy's would want to make a law that you can't go into the woods till legal hunting time. Or have the police monitor every one that goes into the woods and come out. Makes me sad that a few out there have such low opinion of other hunters ethics. To base ones character on only a few minutes doesn't seem fair. Sad commentary. Must be tough to walk such a saintly path.


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Steve I think these guy's would want to make a law that you can't go into the woods till legal hunting time. Or have the police monitor every one that goes into the woods and come out. Makes me sad that a few out there have such low opinion of other hunters ethics. To base ones character on only a few minutes doesn't seem fair. Sad commentary. Must be tough to walk such a saintly path.


They can wish for hunters to be policed all they want, but it will never happen and it in all honestly can't happen with the few DEC officers out there.  Much of hunting works on the honors system.  I would think hunters more than most people have already realized this, but I guess I'm wrong.  I don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another.  Some of us are man enough to admit it, while others are obviously having trouble dealing with it.  I just don't understand why they can't accept this very simple fact.

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I think these guy's would want to make a law that you can't go into the woods till legal hunting time. Or have the police monitor every one that goes into the woods and come out.

I don't want either.  It would be far preferable if hunters knew, and followed, the rules without oversight.  It is our responsibility to do so.

Makes me sad that a few out there have such low opinion of other hunters ethics.

LMAO.  You are breaking the law.  Illegal always equals unethical.  That is a fact....not an opinion.

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  I don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another.  Some of us are man enough to admit it, while others are obviously having trouble dealing with it.  I just don't understand why they can't accept this very simple fact.

I can accept the very simple fact that you "don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another."

However, what you must accept is the fact that there are many of us who hunt each year who follow the laws to the letter, and would not dream of hunting any other way.

Why are you having trouble dealing with that?

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  I don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another.  Some of us are man enough to admit it, while others are obviously having trouble dealing with it.  I just don't understand why they can't accept this very simple fact.

I can accept the very simple fact that you "don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another."

However, what you must accept is the fact that there are many of us who hunt each year who follow the laws to the letter, and would not dream of hunting any other way.

Why are you having trouble dealing with that?

Arrow I hate to break it to you but this isn't a perfect world. In a polite way I think you live in La, La Land.


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I can accept the very simple fact that you "don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another."

However, what you must accept is the fact that there are many of us who hunt each year who follow the laws to the letter, and would not dream of hunting any other way.

Why are you having trouble dealing with that?

I have absolutely NO problem dealing with it.  In my opinion hunters SHOULD follow laws.  As to following them to the letter, in this case not shooting until exactly the second the law says it is legal to shoot, I just don't see it happening very often.  Human nature takes over here and as it has been stated before, I highly doubt many hunters will stop to look at their watches before they shoot knowing that the animal is within range and completely identifiable.  The law will be overridden by the hunters desire to kill the animal that meets the requirements of what he wishes to kill.  That is pretty much it here.  Law or no law, people will not be thinking of what is the legal split second in such instances.

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I can accept the very simple fact that you "don't think there is a hunter alive who hasn't bent the rules to their favor at one time or another."

However, what you must accept is the fact that there are many of us who hunt each year who follow the laws to the letter, and would not dream of hunting any other way.

Why are you having trouble dealing with that?

I have absolutely NO problem dealing with it.  In my opinion hunters SHOULD follow laws.  As to following them to the letter, in this case not shooting until exactly the second the law says it is legal to shoot, I just don't see it happening very often.  Human nature takes over here and as it has been stated before, I highly doubt many hunters will stop to look at their watches before they shoot knowing that the animal is within range and completely identifiable.  The law will be overridden by the hunters desire to kill the animal that meets the requirements of what he wishes to kill.  That is pretty much it here.  Law or no law, people will not be thinking of what is the legal split second in such instances.

We are all in agreement that most hunters probably would shoot a deer shortly before or after legal shooting time... I think we have proven that by the answers to the thread question... I just can't imagine any deer being worth breaking game laws over...it's just not that important... If that puts me in the minority.. oh well

And yes there are many here who have a problem dealing with the fact that some of us wouldn't shoot before or after legal time... the posts show that as well

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And  yes there are many here who have a problem dealing with the fact that  some of us wouldn't shoot before or after legal time... the posts show  that as well          « Last Edit: Today at 12:30:34 pm by nyantler »      Report to moderator    ip.gif  Logged    Joe Servel Antler I don't remember anyone stating they have a problem when you shoot or don't shoot or what time you shoot. It is that some have a problem with whose who shoot a FEW minutes before or after sunrise and sunset. That was the original question, and had nothing to do with you shooting at legal light.


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We are all in agreement that most hunters probably would shoot a deer shortly before or after legal shooting time... I think we have proven that by the answers to the thread question... I just can't imagine any deer being worth breaking game laws over...it's just not that important... If that puts me in the minority.. oh well

And yes there are many here who have a problem dealing with the fact that some of us wouldn't shoot before or after legal time... the posts show that as well

Fine, I obviously can't prove things one way or the other about anyone in particular, I just stated what in my opinion happens in the vast majority of cases.  It would be interesting to know, though, how many people do actually unload their weapons at the exact minute when shooting is not legal anymore?  I don't think they have any good reason to keep them loaded one extra second since they will definitely not be shooting them.  I won't take anyones excuse in keeping them loaded to protect from bears either!  LOL

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Quote from: nyantler on Today at 12:34:11 pm<blockquote>I  think the answer to the question is for everyone to just shut up and  hunt... if you see something happening that you think is illegal call  the DEC . then go back to hunting... if you don't like the people that  hunt on the land with you.. hunt somewhere else... stop complaining  about what other hunters are doing and just hunt! You'll have a far  better experience.

Antler that's not what you have been saying on this thread. Have a change of heart? Oh, you say things then change your mind, now I remember.



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Show me where I said any different on this thread.. not what you think i said .. what I actually said.

stop complaining  about what other hunters are doing and just hunt! You'll have a far  better experience.

Did you not make the above statement? Were you not complaining about OTHER hunters shooting 5 to 10 minutes  before and after legal light? Stating they were unethical and they were breaking the law, I think that qualifies as complaining.  What happened to STOP complaining?


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It was not a complaint.. it was an opinion based on the question... I don't care what anyone else does... it doesn't affect my hunting experience... that doesn't mean I don't have an opinion about the subject just like everyone else... I personally have never encountered any individual in the woods shooting deer before time.. I know it happens, but thats it... I think its wrong.. but thats it... I have not once in any thread.. on any forum ever complained about what any hunters or group of hunters are doing while I am out hunting.. I am too busy hunting during hunting season to care when others are shooting their deer.

You need to stop reading what you think I say Dave and start reading what I actually say... so you understand clearly.. MY OPINION is that I think it would be wrong to shoot a deer before or after legal shooting time and the FACT is I wouldn't and never have doneit... that's what I said and thats what I meant. It has nothing to do with complaining..

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Thank you again for stating the odvious..we know in the eye of the  law its illegal..so is speeding as russ stated...we are saying it should be common sense..and even tho its illegal..ive not  heard of many cases where a hunter gets ticketed for a few(meaning 2) min early...got any stats on that stat boy?

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Question you see a buck clear as day 50 yards from your stand. You put him in your sights and he is a nice 8pt. But wait it's not legal shooting time, what do you do?


Simple.. you don't shoot... that's a no brainer

Yes you're right Pat.. totally the obvious answer.. thats the one I gave

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Thou shall not shoot..even if you can see just fine..because the time is whats important..not the safety ???

Wheres you stats?

You want to spread your wisdom,

How many people have been ticketed only for shooting a few minutes off legal times..and time only..not multiple charges

I have no idea....but that is not important to me.

Hunting Fair Chase is important to me....so I obey the rules. ;D

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Thou shall not shoot..even if you can see just fine..because the time is whats important..not the safety ???

Wheres you stats?

You want to spread your wisdom,

How many people have been ticketed only for shooting a few minutes off legal times..and time only..not multiple charges

What does any of that have to do with the fact that it is illegal? you can spin things anyway you like...it still doesn't change what the law is..how is that so hard to understand? You and Dave really just don't get it...all we get from you two is that as long as you can rationalize it .. then it's ok to break hunting laws.

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