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Apples and nuts dropping early


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It must have something to do with the weather and ground conditions on a micro level. I've had 4 apple trees dump their loads on the ground a week to 2 weeks before they are normally ripe. One of those is a variety I have grafted onto multiple trees. Only one tree of that variety lost its apples. It has the wettest feet of the 3. The others seem normal.  The falling apples are good quality for the most part. However, the Wealthys are not up to par.

The heart nuts also seem to be dropping early, though I am less certain of their timing because I can go several years between good crops.

I've talked to others locally who are seeing the same thing with their apples.  

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Should make for an interesting first 3 weeks of season. Low impact in-season scouting may be the name of the game, that is unless you already have your target deer patterned.
I have noticed deer moving earlier in the afternoons even with the warm temps.

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

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Here is my theory. The apple trees had all that energy from last year and got pollinated well,so made a lot of fruit. Then the season was wet enough to give them enough water to support the apple growth until we ran into the few dry spells we had this year and the trees got seriously dehydrated. 

Most of my trees dropped almost all their apples,hope there will be some left in October...

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I have nine apple trees of different varieties, some have some pretty good crops of apples and some hardly any, but all of them looked a bit ratty leaf wise this summer compared to an average summer. I had a very hard frost here in the late spring when the leaves and buds were on and believe it did pretty some severe damage.


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